Cargo Delivery, level 2

Reported by Builder AlphaOne
Update by: Veralidaine Sarrasri
Last update: 2008.01.10

Faction: Angel Cartel
Type: Deadspace
Damage Dealt: Exp, Kin
Reccomended Damagedealing: Exp (kin)
Completed with: Caracal (Builder AlphaOne)

On entry, no opps present. Says 'deadspace' but is not.

1st group appears when you close to within 20km of objective [hidden warehouse].
2x elite frigates (2x 24,750 Arch Gistii Ambushers)
1x frigate (7,500 Ambusher)
2x destroyers (1x 12,375 Haunter, 1x 14,625 Seizer)
1x cruiser (37,500 Depredator)

2nd group joins in as soon as you kill any one ship of the 1st group.
1x elite frigate (27,000 Irmur Filara)
5x frigates (3x 8,250 Hunters, 2x 7,875 Raiders)
5x destroyers (3x 11,250 Shatterers, 2x 15,750 Trashers)

Regular frigates total 15 and range from 8250 to 14625. No scrambling.

With 19 ships attacking, you'll likely have to warp out and come back several times [five for my Caracal with 4x Assault launchers]. Bkmk a wreck and return at 70km did NOT work -- I landed right in the middle again.

Blitz: You don't have to destroy any of the ships, so you can just warp in, grab the goods and warp out. Mind the Elite frigates probability of scrambling.