Federal Inspection, Level 3

Reported by: Chepe Nolon
Updated by: Tribalist
Last updated: 2008.03.02
Note: This is a cosmos mission.

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Courier mission.

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Faction: Rogue Drones
Type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Multiple
Reccomended Damage Dealing: EM, Thermal
Completed with: Enyo

Two gates.

Gate to the storage facility

Aggro from one small group at the gate. More drones spread out that doesn't aggro.

Gate to the forward point leads to the start of the deadspace.

Gate "Danger keep out"

3x Viral infector drones

Contains the warehouse.

Also contains 11 omber roids with 55K each and 9 Veld roids with 90K veld in each.

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Faction: Serpentis
Type: Warp in.
Damage dealt: Therm, Kin
Reccomended Damage Dealing: Kin, Thermal
Completed with: Enyo

You search for a Serpentis agent named Pourpas Aunten in some belts in a given system. It's a thorax class cruiser. But is a hard nut to crack.

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Faction: Serpentis
Type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin, Therm
Reccomended Damage Dealing: Kin, Therm
Completed with: Enyo

You go through a standard cosmos complex. The mission target is in the second pocket.

You don't have to kill anything to get to him. In the pocket you get sporadic aggro from turrets and ships.

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Courier mission.