Gone Berserk, level 3

Reported by: Obsidian Hawk
Additions by: Brutus Salazaar, kornhole
Updated by: Anathema Matou, Mystinen, Jercy Fravowitz
Last update: 2007.09.30

Faction: EoM

Mission type: Encounter
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm (Kin missiles)
Reccomended damage dealing: Kinetic and thermal
Completed with: Drake (Obsidian Hawk)
Completed with: huginn, DR: easy (Anathema Matou)
This mission resembles the blockade as in reinforcements warp in regularly.

Initial ships:
6 EoM Prophets in 3 groups.

Each time you kill a the last prophet in a group you chat will flash as they call in for reinforcements.
1 prophet dead -> black priest + daemon -> crusader + succubus -> crusader + succubus -> 2 daemons + death knight

Tip to not get overwhelmed: kill one prohphet, then kill the reinforcements chain. Then start on a new prophet.

Also to note, the deadspace has a large amount of high density Veldspar, Plagioclase, and pyroxeres.
813,864 plagio
479,979 pyro
1,639,289 veld