Unauthorized Military Presence, Level 4

Reported by: Malibu Stacey, 2008.002.02

Faction: Caldari Navy
Mission type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kinetic/Thermal (Kinetic Missiles)
Reccomended damage dealing: Kinetic
Mission completes when Caldari Personnel Transports are destroyed.
Completed with: Ishtar (2 Thermal, 1 Kinetic hardeners, Kinetic drones) DR: Easy (Malibu Stacey)

Warp in

At warp-in

No aggro on warp in.
10 frigs & 1 cruiser in 2 groups near gate to next area.

Deadspace pocket

Into the pocket

No aggro on warp in.
3 groups. Take lower group first then group on left then finish group on right.
Transports are with group on right.

Note: all groups of rats in this mission will aggro if you or your drones get too close so when using drones in area 2 make sure they don't go off towards an unaggro'd group or they will start taking hits.

Blitz: clear area 1, warp to area 2, kill the transports, scoop marines from one wreck & warp out.