Recon 2 and 3, level 4

Reported by: Chepe Nolon, 2007.06.21
Additions by: Theiresias, Blastability
Updated by Gridcrash
Last updated: 2008.01.01

Recon 2 and 3 is the same for all variants of the missions.

Recon (2 of 3)

Faction: Mercenaries
Damage dealt: All kinds
Reccomended damage dealing: Therm or Kin.
Completed with: Domi with 2x T2 Large armor rep, 2x t2 explosive and 1 t2 thermal and 1 t2 kin. (DR: Medium) (Psychanioxine)
Completed with: CNR (3x Invuls) DR: Easy (Chepe Nolon)
Completed with: Claw DR: Easy (Chepe Nolon)
Completed with: Shuttle (Gridcrash)
Completed with: Drake (Passive, T2 fitted, with shield recharge rigs) DR: Easy (ZhouXi)

You must get to a gate 70km from warp in. When you are within 10km of the gate, this will spawn. The wingmen will spawn on top of you, while the rest a bit longer away. The mission is complete after you have been at the gate for a short while.

3x mercenary commanders
3x mercenary overlords
4x mercenary wingman (Web/scramble)
2x mercenary sentry guns (tower sentry caldari III)
2x mercenary cruise missile batteries (Angel Cruise Missile Battery)

Tip: If you shoot the station, the ambush will go off at once, so you can do something while approaching the gate. Then only a turret and a overlord will arrive when you get to the gate.
The station will drop mainly random t1 stuff and some Faction Ammo.

Recon (3 of 3)

Faction: N/A
No enemies present.

Completed with: Domi with 2x T2 Large armor rep, 1x t2 rainbow passive, 2x t2 em active and 2x t2 thermal (DR: Easy) (Psychanioxine)
Completed with: CNR (3x Invuls, ab+overdrives for speed) DR: Easy (Chepe Nolon)
Completed in: Drake (T2 Mag Scattering Amp, T2 Caldari Navy Kinetic Deflection, 2 x Invul II) (nugpot)
Completed in: Drake (Passive, T2 fitted, with shield recharge rigs) DR: Easy (ZhouXi)

You warp directly into the cloud.
You must reach and activate a gate 60km in a toxic space.

There will be waves dealing all damagetypes every 10-20 seconds.
Each wave deal approx 200 damage at resistances of 75% (800 at 0% resistances)
There will be a final wave of 900 damage at resistances of 75% (3600 at 0% resistances) announced in a red text.
After the final wave there won't be any more damage.
The gate will warp you to safety, and you have to activate it.

Warning: If you warp out, the waves will be reset.