Serpentis Extragavanza, level 3

Reported by: Iris Yee with help from Jin Gege
Updated by: Anathema Matou
Blitz by: Anathema Matou
Last update: 2007.05.12

Faction: Serpentis
Mission type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Therm, Kinetic
Extras: Light dampening
Web/Scramble: Guardian Veterans
Reccomended damage dealing: Kinetic/thermal

Pocket 1:

- no warp-in aggro, no triggers, no groups triggering other groups, only minor dampening
- 3 light missile batteries (never had aggro from them at all)
- groups:
A) 3x corelum cruiser (near barren asteroid)
B) 5x corelior destroyer (near hollow asteroid)
C) 2x guardian veteran, 1x corelum cruiser (near station ruins)
D) 1x guardian veteran, 2x corelum cruiser, 1x corelatis battlecruiser (near "under construction")
E) 3x corelum cruiser (near the missile batteries)
F) 4x coreli frig, 2x corelatis battlecruiser (near coral rock)
G) 1x corelum cruiser, 1x corelatis battlecruiser (near barren asteroid)
- blasterboats trying to hurt me from 40-80km away, *yea right*

Pocket 2:

Aggro from 1 Gistum cruiser and 5 Tower Sentry Serpentis II.

Pocket 3:

- warp-in aggro from group A, no triggers, no range aggro or only extremely small range (<10km)
- groups:
A) guardian veteran, 2x coreli frig (aggro)
B) 3x corelum cruiser (left)
C) 2x corelior destroyer, 2x corelum cruiser (right)
D) 2x corelior destroyer, 3x corelum cruiser (mid front)
E) 2x guardian veteran, 1x corelum cruiser (mid back)
F) "Franz Krealo" battlecruiser (far out, some 140km, mission primary), does not even cause stage aggro

Blitz: kill Franz