Shipyard theft, level 4

Reported by Ulric Wolfbane
Updated by: Atienne, GammaDriver, Foppemoa, Delta 7
Screenshots by: Delta7
Last update: 2008.01.06

Faction: Gurista Pirates
Mission Type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace w/gates
Damage Dealt: Kinetic, Thermal
Web/Scramble: Guristas Kyoukan/Webifiers
Extras: Jamming.
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic/Thermal
Completed with Raven (Ulric Wolfbane )

Pocket 1:

Drones will cause aggro to themselves, but ships might not aggro you if you pull the drones in.

Group A - (insta aggro)
1x BS (Pith Destroyer)
4x BC (Pithatis Enforcer/Executor)

Group B -
1x BS (Pith Usurper)
3x BC (Pithatis assassin/assaulter)
4x FF (Guristas Webifier/Kyokan) (Web/Scramble)

Group C -
9x BC (Pithatis Enforcer/Executor/Assaulter)

Group D - (at gate)
4x DD (Pithior Guerilla/Renegade)
6x BC (Pithatis Enforcer/Assaulter/Executor)
2x BS (Pith Destroyer)

Group E - (Aggroes the rest, take this out last)
4x BS (Pith Eradicators)

Pocket 1

No Data

Pocket 2

Aggro from all on warp-in.

2x DD (Pithior Guerilla)
2x CR (Pithium Eraser/Abolisher)
1x BS (Pith Eliminator)
2x BS (Pith Extinguisher)

That Pith Eliminator was saved for last, so I'm positive he jammed me once. Was only jammed that once, so he must not be very effective at it. This ship ALSO dropped the mission loot can, despite what CCP's mission description states as of May 7, 2007. (The Silo didn't even leave a wreck when blown.)

Last ship drops the loot.

3x Habitation Modules - one had 10 long limbed roses and 10 carbon
2x storage facilities - no loot
3x rig reactors - no loot
5x hangars - no loot
A LOT x Cargo Rig - no loot

Pocket 2