The Blockade, level 1

Reported by: Jin Gege, 2007.05.16
Updated: 2007.05.20

Faction: Angel Cartel
Mission type: Encounter

Aggro from every spawn.

Initial spawn has 1 Starbase Stasis Tower, 4 Gistii Rogues and 1 Gistii Raider(Trigger)
First wave has 3 Gistii Hijackers, 3 Gistii Rogues and 1 Gistii Outlaw(Trigger)
Second wave has 6 Gistii Rogues and 1 Gistii Nomad(Trigger)
Third wave has 8 Gistii Rogues and 1 Gistii Ruffian(Trigger)
Final wave has 3 Gistii Ruffian and 1 Gistii Raider(end boss)