Revision history for BewareTheyLive3

Revision [18945]

Last edited on 2013-11-10 16:44:03 by CuttleBug
Recommended Ships: Hulk (very easy), Osprey, or combat ship (frig/cruiser) for drones and then a mining ship, Achievable in just a Mack with drones.
2x Drone Little Missile Battery(//Trigger//) May drop loot
Recommended Ships: Hulk (very easy), Osprey, or combat ship (frig/cruiser) for drones and then a mining ship
2x Drone Little Missile Battery(//Trigger//)May drop loot

Revision [18944]

Edited on 2013-11-10 16:42:55 by CuttleBug
2x Drone Little Missile Battery(//Trigger//)May drop loot
5x Decimator/Render Alvi/Serpentis
2x Drone Little Missile Battery(//Trigger//)
5x Decimator/Render Alvi

Revision [10830]

Edited on 2012-07-14 07:31:34 by DesmontMcCallock

Revision [7723]

Edited on 2011-02-03 10:53:40 by HoshiIsamu [+CategoryLevel3]

Revision [5024]

Edited on 2009-09-07 00:45:06 by GouvViki [Added Shipnames, corrected Ore Name]
===Group (10km):===
2x Drone Little Missile Battery(//Trigger//)
5x Decimator/Render Alvi
Deal with the drones, and mine 15000 units (9000m3) of Mercium ore (fake Omber).
Upon warp in there are 2 Drone Light Missile Batteries.
Killing them spawns 4 or 5 Rogue Drone Frigs
Deal with the drones, and mine 15000 units (9000m3) of Mercurium ore (fake Omber).

Revision [4302]

Edited on 2009-05-23 18:10:17 by AnathemaMatou [no need for a BC at all, really.]
Recommended Ships: Hulk (very easy), Osprey, or combat ship (frig/cruiser) for drones and then a mining ship
Recommended Ships: Hulk (easy), or Cruiser/BC for drones and then a mining ship.

Revision [4301]

Edited on 2009-05-23 17:44:51 by AnathemaMatou [no need for a BC at all, really.]
Recommended Ships: Hulk (easy), or Cruiser/BC for drones and then a mining ship.
Killing them spawns 4 or 5 Rogue Drone Frigs
Deal with the drones, and mine 15000 units (9000m3) of Mercurium ore (fake Omber).
Completed in: Drake for encounter, Osprey for mining (maxed out mining Osprey was unable to get time bonus)
Killing them spawns 4 Rogue Drones
After drones are dealt with, have to mine 15000 units (9000m3) of ore (omber quality).

Revision [83]

Edited on 2008-05-22 18:20:24 by ChepeNolon [no need for a BC at all, really.]

No Differences

Revision [78]

Edited on 2008-05-22 18:14:39 by ChepeNolon [no need for a BC at all, really.]
After drones are dealt with, have to mine 15000 units (9000m3) of ore (omber quality).
{{lastedit show="2"}}
After drones are dealt with, have to mine 15000 units (9000m3) of ore (omber quality).

Revision [40]

Edited on 2008-05-19 18:39:23 by ChepeNolon [no need for a BC at all, really.]

Revision [39]

Edited on 2008-05-19 18:37:50 by ChepeNolon [no need for a BC at all, really.]

Revision [37]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-05-19 14:10:28 by ChepeNolon [no need for a BC at all, really.]
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