Revision history for CoveringyourTracks4

Revision [21942]

Last edited on 2017-05-01 15:28:22 by JeanInkura [clean up - layout]
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Damage dealt: Kinetic/ Thermal
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic/ Thermal
Webifier/ Warp Disruptor: Mercenary Wingman
Auto aggro.
~=== Single Group (20km) ===
~~2x Sentry Gun (Caldari 425mm Railgun Sentry)
~~3x Elite Frigate (Mercenary Wingman) **Webifier/ Warp Disruptor**
~~3x Cruiser (Mercenary Commander)
~~2x Battleship (Mercenary Overlord)
~~1x Battleship (Ratah Niaga/ Tauron/ Taisu Magdesh)
== Blitz ==
All ships must be cleared to complete the mission.
The Abandoned Stargate Drops Metal Scraps (50)
Ratah Niaga's ship has high thermal resistance. Use kinetic damage to kill it. He will try to orbit at ~250km flying away at 145m/s. Best to kill him first before he gets away or fit a MWD or MJD to go after him.
== Loot and Bounty ==
All the named Battleships have a small chance to drop faction loot.
== Damage Information ==
|=|(y:2) Name |=|(y:2) Weapon |=|(x:4) Group DPS ||
|=| EM |=| Exp |=| Kin |=| Th ||
|=|{text-align:left} Ratah Niaga || Paradise Precision Cruise Missile || 162 ||{text-align:center} 36 ||{text-align:center} 91 |=| 200 ||
|=|{text-align:left} Tauron || Paradise Cruise Missile || 159 ||{text-align:center} 36 || 103 |=| 292 ||
|=|{text-align:left} Taisu Magdesh || Devastator Cruise Missile || 149 || 101 ||{text-align:center} 95 |=| 180 ||
Note: group DPS excludes Sentry Guns.
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Damage dealt: All types (See below)
Web/scramble: Mercenary Wingman
Extras: NA
Recommended damage dealing: Thermal, Kin
Auto aggro at warp-in. All ships & sentry guns are within 20km.
===Single Group:===
3x Elite Frigates (Mercenary Wingman) **Web/Scramble** **Piranha Light Missile**
3x Cruisers (Mercenary Commander) **Scourge Heavy Missile**
2x Battleships (Mercenary Overlord) **Scourge Heavy Missile**
2x Sentry Gun (Description reads "Caldari 425mm Railgun Sentry")
1x Battleship (Ratah Niaga/Tauron/Taisu Magdesh)
__Damage Dealt:__
Ratah Niaga (Paradise Precision Cruise Missile - every 8 seconds)
* Group DPS excluding sentry guns: 200 Therm, 162 EM, 91 Kin, 36 Exp
Tauron (Paradise Cruise Missile - every 10 seconds)
* Group DPS excluding sentry guns: 292 Therm, 159 EM, 103 Kin, 36 Exp
Taisu Magdesh (Devastator Cruise Missile - every 15 seconds)
* Group DPS excluding sentry guns: 180 Therm, 149 EM, 101 Exp, 95 Kin
Abandoned Stargate - Drops Metal Scraps (50)
- Ratah Niaga has a very high resistance to thermal damage. Use kinetic damage to kill him.
- Ratah Niaga has a speed of 145 m/s and will try to orbit at a distance of 250km. You may kill him first before he gets away OR refit to include an MWD if killing him last.
- Ratah Niaga can be easily killed last, if you fit a fast ship with cloak and jettison something next to him to warp to. Then change to your damage ship, warp to him and kill the bastard.
- All the named battleship bosses have a small chance to drop faction loot.
- Mission is *not* flagged complete after you kill the named battleship boss. You must eliminate all ships.

Revision [20354]

Edited on 2014-07-19 21:32:15 by NoamChomsky [Minor edit. Clerical.]
- Ratah Niaga has a very high resistance to thermal damage. Use kinetic damage to kill him.
- Ratah Niaga has a speed of 145 m/s and will try to orbit at a distance of 250km. You may kill him first before he gets away OR refit to include an MWD if killing him last.
- Ratah Niaga has a very high resistance to thermal damage, use kinetic damage to kill him.
- Ratah Niaga has a speed of 145 m/s and will try to orbit at a distance of 250km. You may kill him first before he gets away OR refit to include an MWD ifkilling him last.

Revision [14103]

Edited on 2012-07-29 16:10:10 by DesmontMcCallock [Minor edit. Clerical.]

Revision [7959]

Edited on 2011-02-09 06:02:35 by MithorKarez [Minor edit. Clerical.]
- Ratah Niaga has a very high resistance to thermal damage, use kinetic damage to kill him.
- Ratah Niaga has a speed of 145 m/s and will try to orbit at a distance of 250km. You may kill him first before he gets away OR refit to include an MWD ifkilling him last.
- Mission is *not* flagged complete after you kill the named battleship boss. You must eliminate all ships.
- Ratah Niaga has a very high resistance to thermal damage. Use kinetic damage to kill him.
- Ratah Niaga has a speed of 145 m/s and will try to orbit at a distance of 250km. You may kill him first before he gets away OR refit to include an MWD when killing him last.
- Mission is *not* flagged compelted after you kill the named battleship boss. You must eliminate all ships.

Revision [7574]

Edited on 2011-01-31 11:09:09 by HoshiIsamu [+CategoryLevel4]

Revision [7144]

Edited on 2010-12-03 00:29:56 by MrCorpie [+CategoryLevel4]
- Ratah Niaga can be easily killed last, if you fit a fast ship with cloak and jettison something next to him to warp to. Then change to your damage ship, warp to him and kill the bastard.

Revision [3718]

Edited on 2009-02-23 02:37:53 by TheMaster42 [Added DPS numbers]
Damage dealt: All types (See below)
Recommended damage dealing: Thermal, Kin
2x Sentry Gun (Description reads "Caldari 425mm Railgun Sentry")
* Group DPS excluding sentry guns: 200 Therm, 162 EM, 91 Kin, 36 Exp
* Group DPS excluding sentry guns: 292 Therm, 159 EM, 103 Kin, 36 Exp
* Group DPS excluding sentry guns: 180 Therm, 149 EM, 101 Exp, 95 Kin
Damage dealt: All types
Recommended damage dealing: Thermal, EM
2x Sentry Gun

Revision [3520]

Edited on 2009-01-30 01:06:56 by EveChaimera [Added structure section.]
Abandoned Stargate - Drops Metal Scraps (50)

Revision [3509]

Edited on 2009-01-28 08:15:46 by LothrosAndastar [Added structure section.]
- Mission is *not* flagged compelted after you kill the named battleship boss. You must eliminate all ships.
- Mission is flagged compelted after you kill the named battleship boss.

Revision [2043]

Edited on 2008-08-31 13:01:13 by PorlenzColhart [Added structure section.]
Recommended ships: Raven, CNR, Dominix, Drake, Typhoon.
Recommended ships: Raven, CNR, Dominix, Drake.

Revision [2034]

Edited on 2008-08-28 10:44:41 by TomSchlong [changed recommended damage dealing to therm/EM, only kin for Ratah]
Recommended damage dealing: Thermal, EM
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic, Thermal

Revision [1761]

Edited on 2008-07-21 18:11:28 by SturmWolke [minor update & standardized]
======Covering Your Tracks, Level 4======
Space type: Normal
Damage dealt: All types
Web/scramble: Mercenary Wingman
Extras: NA
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic, Thermal
Recommended ships: Raven, CNR, Dominix, Drake.
====Single Pocket====
Auto aggro at warp-in. All ships & sentry guns are within 20km.
===Single Group:===
3x Elite Frigates (Mercenary Wingman) **Web/Scramble** **Piranha Light Missile**
3x Cruisers (Mercenary Commander) **Scourge Heavy Missile**
2x Battleships (Mercenary Overlord) **Scourge Heavy Missile**
2x Sentry Gun
1x Battleship (Ratah Niaga/Tauron/Taisu Magdesh)
__Damage Dealt:__
Ratah Niaga (Paradise Precision Cruise Missile - every 8 seconds)
Tauron (Paradise Cruise Missile - every 10 seconds)
Taisu Magdesh (Devastator Cruise Missile - every 15 seconds)
- Ratah Niaga has a very high resistance to thermal damage. Use kinetic damage to kill him.
- Ratah Niaga has a speed of 145 m/s and will try to orbit at a distance of 250km. You may kill him first before he gets away OR refit to include an MWD when killing him last.
- All the named battleship bosses have a small chance to drop faction loot.
- Mission is flagged compelted after you kill the named battleship boss.
======Covering your Tracks, level 4======
Space type: Normal, no gates.
Damage dealt: All kinds. Low exp.
Web/Scramble: Mercenary Wingmen
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic (Therm would work on all rats but Ratah Niaga).
Recommended ships: CNR, Dominix, Drake.
Auto aggro at warp-in
3x Mercenary wingmen DPS: 24.90hp/s (EM: 9.62hp/s, Expl: 11.44hp/s, Kin: 3.85hp/s, Therm: 0hp/s) + piranha light missile
3x Mercenary commanders DPS: 56.40hp/s (EM: 22hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 6.90hp/s, Therm: 27.50hp/s) + Scourge heavy missile
2x Mercenary overlords DPS: 138hp/s (EM: 0hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 42hp/s, Therm: 96hp/s) + Scourge heavy missile
1x Named rat
2x sentry gun
==Tip: ==
- Rata Niaga has an orbit distance of 250km. So kill him first. Then the two overlords.
==Alternatives for the named rat:==
- Rata Niaga DPS: 107.95hp/s (EM: 72.75hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 16hp/s, Therm: 19.20hp/s) + Paradise Precision Cruise Missile (Rof 8 seconds)
- Tauron. DPS: 200hp/s (EM: 60hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 28hp/s, Therm: 112hp/s) + Paradise Cruise Missile (Rof 10 seconds)
- Taisu Magdesh. DPS: 135hp/s (EM: 50hp/s, Expl: 65hp/s, Kin: 20hp/s, Therm: 0hp/s) + Devastator Cruise Missile (Rof 15 seconds)
The named boss has a small chance of dropping faction loot.
Abandoned Stargate have small amount of hp, dropping loot, but only 50 Metal Scraps.

Revision [976]

Edited on 2008-06-01 13:28:40 by ChepeNolon [Reported by homunculi]
======Covering your Tracks, level 4======

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Faction: Mercenaries
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal, no gates.
Damage dealt: All kinds. Low exp.
Web/Scramble: Mercenary Wingmen
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic (Therm would work on all rats but Ratah Niaga).
Recommended ships: CNR, Dominix, Drake.

Auto aggro at warp-in

3x Mercenary wingmen DPS: 24.90hp/s (EM: 9.62hp/s, Expl: 11.44hp/s, Kin: 3.85hp/s, Therm: 0hp/s) + piranha light missile
3x Mercenary commanders DPS: 56.40hp/s (EM: 22hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 6.90hp/s, Therm: 27.50hp/s) + Scourge heavy missile
2x Mercenary overlords DPS: 138hp/s (EM: 0hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 42hp/s, Therm: 96hp/s) + Scourge heavy missile
1x Named rat
2x sentry gun

==Tip: ==
- Rata Niaga has an orbit distance of 250km. So kill him first. Then the two overlords.

==Alternatives for the named rat:==
- Rata Niaga DPS: 107.95hp/s (EM: 72.75hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 16hp/s, Therm: 19.20hp/s) + Paradise Precision Cruise Missile (Rof 8 seconds)
- Tauron. DPS: 200hp/s (EM: 60hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 28hp/s, Therm: 112hp/s) + Paradise Cruise Missile (Rof 10 seconds)
- Taisu Magdesh. DPS: 135hp/s (EM: 50hp/s, Expl: 65hp/s, Kin: 20hp/s, Therm: 0hp/s) + Devastator Cruise Missile (Rof 15 seconds)

The named boss has a small chance of dropping faction loot.

Abandoned Stargate have small amount of hp, dropping loot, but only 50 Metal Scraps.

Revision [341]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-05-25 07:53:06 by EthaeT [Reported by homunculi]
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