Revision history for CustomsInterdiction2ga

Revision [18167]

Last edited on 2012-10-20 17:11:13 by Rasael85
4x Frigate (Mercenaries) (4 Gallente Frigs)
4x Frigate (Mercenary) (4 Gallente Frigs)

Revision [18166]

Edited on 2012-10-20 16:44:54 by Rasael85
Faction: Gallente (can be completed without standing loss)
Faction: Gallente (no standing loss)

Revision [10535]

Edited on 2012-07-14 05:39:42 by DesmontMcCallock

Revision [10257]

Edited on 2012-06-18 16:33:02 by DerfirRoot [Just did mission and got standing loss.]
Killing Frigates will result in standings loss with Gallente.

Revision [8455]

Edited on 2011-04-25 21:40:29 by AleCium [Just did mission and got standing loss.]

Revision [4420]

Edited on 2009-06-21 05:24:17 by TrimutiusIII [Corrected some facts. Corrected faction in 1 part.]
Faction: Gallente (no standing loss)
4x Frigate (Mercenary) (4 Gallente Frigs)
No aggro upon warp in.
Mission difficulty is low for a Level 2. Group 2 will appear when Transport got a hit in armor, cargo is dropped when Transport is destroyed.
1x Blood Raider Transport
5x Blood Raider Frigates
No aggro upon warp in. Group 2 will appear when Transport got a hit in armor, cargo is dropped when Transport is destroyed.
4x Frigate (Mercenary)
Mission difficulty is low for a Level 2. Group 2 will appear when Target Ship is destroyed, cargo is dropped immediately.
4x Frigate
No aggro upon warp in. Once the transport is engaged, group 2 will appear.

Revision [2744]

Edited on 2008-11-08 08:55:06 by LothrisAndastar [Corrected some facts. Corrected faction in 1 part.]
======Customs Interdiction, level 2======
{{lastedit show="2"}}
=====Customs Interdiction (1 of 2)=====
Faction: Blood Raider
Damage dealt: All
Recommended damage dealing: EM, Therm
Recommended ships: Caracal, Moa
===Group 1: 15km ===
1x Transport
===Group 2: 25km===
4x Frigate (Mercenary)
Mission difficulty is low for a Level 2. Group 2 will appear when Target Ship is destroyed, cargo is dropped immediately.
Blow up transport ship, grab DNA and warp away.
=====Customs Interdiction (2 of 2)=====
Faction: Blood Raider
Damage dealt: EM/Therm
Recommended damage dealing: EM, Therm
Recommended ships: Caracal, Moa
===Group 1: 7500m===
1x Transport
===Group 2: 35km===
4x Frigate
No aggro upon warp in. Once the transport is engaged, group 2 will appear.
Blow up the transport ship, grab cargo and warp away.
======Customs Interdiction======
=====Part 1 of 2=====
Faction: Gallente
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Extras: None
Recommended damage dealing: kin/therm
Recommended ships: cruiser
===Group 1===
1x Industrial (Caldari Badger)
4x Frigates (Gallente Incursus)

Revision [2700]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-11-01 21:02:28 by IssaChar [Corrected some facts. Corrected faction in 1 part.]
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