Revision history for ForgottenCoreDataField

Revision [22283]

Last edited on 2017-10-16 08:49:39 by Markj2 [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
3x Battleship ([[ | Upgraded Avengers]]) [Scram, Web, Neut]
3x Battleship ([[ Upgraded Avengers]]) [Scram, Web, Neut]

Revision [21592]

Edited on 2017-02-11 15:12:12 by Markj2 [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
As of 1/20/2017 Drifter Doesn't neut for some reason but may suddenly reappear.

Revision [21590]

Edited on 2017-02-11 15:10:41 by Markj2 [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
Blue loot: 279 mill ISK
**{{color c="red" text="Drifters and Upgraded Avengers do shutdown MWDs, MJDs and anything else a Warp Scramble normally would shutdown. Also contains an infinite point."}}**
As of 1/20/2017 Drifter Doesn't neut for some reason but may suddenly reappear.
===Capital Escalation Wave===
There are 3 Capital Escalation Waves, one for Force Auxilaries, one for Dreadnaughts and one for Carriers. The amount of loot that these drop is negligible compared to how long it can take to kill them since they are only worth ~ 20 mill a piece.
**3630 DPS, Max Neut -225**
3x Battleship ([[ Upgraded Avengers]]) [Scram, Web, Neut]
===Capital Escalation Wave 1===
**4164 DPS**
6x Battleships (Sleepless Guardian) [**scram**, web, nos]
===Capital Escalation Wave 2===
**5552 DPS**
8x Battleships (Sleepless Guardian) [**scram**, web, nos]

Revision [21157]

Edited on 2015-09-18 21:06:02 by Markj2 [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
===Site Escalation Wave===
No Talocan Present.

Revision [21144]

Edited on 2015-08-31 21:48:59 by Markj2 [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
No Talocan Present.
1x Abandoned Talocan Battleship (spawn container, salvager)

Revision [19827]

Edited on 2014-04-03 17:52:21 by MyrddinBishop [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
2x Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) [**scram**, web, nos]
2x Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) [**scram**, web]

Revision [18852]

Edited on 2013-09-17 14:54:27 by KeithPlanck [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
**2316 DPS**
6x Frigates (Emergent Warden)[**Scram**]
**2232 DPS**
6x Frigates [**Scram**]

Revision [18851]

Edited on 2013-09-17 14:53:07 by KeithPlanck [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
**4164 DPS**
**5552 DPS**
**430 DPS**
**864 DPS**

Revision [18662]

Edited on 2013-05-27 21:59:39 by AlecFreeman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
5x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**, web, nos] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2x Cruisers (Awakened Sentinel) [**scram**, web]
2x Battleships (Sleepless Keeper) [**scram**, web, nos]
5x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2x Cruisers (Awakened Sentinel) [web]
2x Battleships (Sleepless Keeper) [**scram**]
- You may ignore and tank the trigger ship in Initial Group and then analyze/salvage all containers.
- Keep in mind however, that doing each container could also (randomly) spawn additional ships.
- We have never had a random spawn from hacking at this site. -NightReaver
//Data is not 100% Accurate! I wasn't able to record all the details during the fight.//
//Not sure if this site has changed in the latest expansion; we found 15 cans instead of 10. -NR//
//10 cans when I checked on 26 dec -Fayceoff//
//Indeed, we have only experienced 10 previously. Maybe the extra 5 cans are tied to part of the site escalation? -NR//
//Site always seems to spawn 15 containers for us now; seems they sneaked a change in somewhere along the way. Can anyone confirm this behaviour? (2 apr) -NR//
//Triggers verified Sun, 03 Jan 2010 -NR//

Revision [6340]

Edited on 2010-04-05 02:33:24 by NightReaver [Updated notes about spawn containers]
//+5x Decrepit Sleeper Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer) [See Notes Below]//
//Site always seems to spawn 15 containers for us now; seems they sneaked a change in somewhere along the way. Can anyone confirm this behaviour? (2 apr) -NR//
//+5x Decrepit Sleeper Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer) [Possibly tied to the site escalation? We have only encountered this once to date. 12/2009]//

Revision [6339]

Edited on 2010-04-05 02:30:06 by NightReaver [Fixed typo with Reinforcement Wave 2]
2x Battleships (Sleepless Keeper) [**scram**, web, nos] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2x Battleships (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**, web, nos] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**

Revision [5949]

Edited on 2010-01-19 17:18:41 by NightReaver [Fixed typo with Reinforcement Wave 2]
6x Battleships (Sleepless Guardian) [**scram**, web, nos]
8x Battleships (Sleepless Guardian) [**scram**, web, nos]
2x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**, web, nos]
2x Cruisers (Awakened Warden) [rr]
2x Battleships (Sleepless Keeper) [**scram**]
2x Battleships (Sleepless Warden) [rr]
6x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [**scram**, web, nos]
8x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [**scram**, web, nos]
2x Cruiser (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**, web, nos]
2x Cruiser (Awakened Warden) [rr]
2x Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) [**scram**]
2x Battleship (Sleepless Warden) [rr]

Revision [5942]

Edited on 2010-01-18 23:51:36 by NightReaver [Fixed typo with Reinforcement Wave 2]
//Triggers verified Sun, 03 Jan 2010 -NR//

Revision [5884]

Edited on 2010-01-03 02:25:43 by NightReaver [Comment/Update]
10x Decrepit Sleeper Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer)
//+5x Decrepit Sleeper Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer) [Possibly tied to the site escalation? We have only encountered this once to date. 12/2009]//
//Indeed, we have only experienced 10 previously. Maybe the extra 5 cans are tied to part of the site escalation? -NR//
15x Decrepit Sleeper Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer)

Revision [5832]

Edited on 2009-12-26 13:59:16 by FayceOff [comment]
//10 cans when I checked on 26 dec -Fayceoff//

Revision [5807]

Edited on 2009-12-19 19:46:16 by NightReaver [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
5x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
4x Frigates (Emergent Keeper) [rr, web]
4x Frigates (Emergent Warden) [**scram**, web, nos]
3x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**, web, nos] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2x Cruisers (Awakened Sentinel) [web]
3x Cruisers (Awakened Warden) [rr]
6x Frigates [**Scram**]
2x Battleships (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**, web, nos] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2x Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) [**scram**, web]
2x Cruiser (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**, web, nos]
2x Cruiser (Awakened Warden) [rr]
2x Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) [**scram**]
2x Battleship (Sleepless Warden) [rr]
15x Decrepit Sleeper Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer)
//Not sure if this site has changed in the latest expansion; we found 15 cans instead of 10. -NR//
5 x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
4 x Frigates (Emergent Keeper)
4 x Frigates (Emergent Warden)
3 x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper)
3 x Cruisers (Awakened Sentinel)
3 x Cruisers (Awakened Warden)
6 x Frigates [**Scram**]
2 x Battleships (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2 x Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) [**scram**]
2 x Cruiser (Awakened Warden)
2 x Cruiser (Awakened Keeper)
2 x Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) [**scram**]
2 x Battleship (Sleepless Warden)
10x Decrepit Sleeper Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer)

Revision [5772]

Edited on 2009-12-05 08:00:54 by FayceOff [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
10x Decrepit Sleeper Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer)
10x Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer)

Revision [5744]

Edited on 2009-12-03 23:37:06 by NightReaver [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
Damage dealt: Omni
Damage dealt: omni

Revision [5743]

Edited on 2009-12-03 23:36:56 by NightReaver [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
Webbers: Emergent Sentinel, Sleepless Guardian
Scramblers: Emergent Sentinel, Awakened Keeper, Sleepless Sentinel, Sleepless Keeper, Sleepless Guardian
Recommended generic setup: Multi-range, Heavy Omni-tank, Remote Repair (Spider Tanking)
Webbers: Sleepless Guardian, Emergent Sentinel
Scramblers: Sleepless Guardian, Emergent Sentinel, Awakened Keeper, Sleepless Sentinel, Sleepless Keeper
Recommended generic setup: multi range, heavy omni tank, remote repair (spider tanking)

Revision [5740]

Edited on 2009-12-03 23:33:30 by NightReaver [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
6x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [**scram**, web, nos]
8x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [**scram**, web, nos]
5x Frigates (Emergent Sentinel) [**scram**, web]
5 x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2 x Battleships (Awakened Keeper) [**scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2 x Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) [**scram**]
2 x Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) [**scram**]
6x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [**Scram**, Web, NOS]
8x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [**Scram**, Web, NOS]
5x Frigates (Emergent Sentinel) [**Scram**, Web]
5 x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) [**Scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2 x Battleships (Awakened Keeper) [**Scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2 x Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) [**Scram**]
2 x Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) [**Scram**]

Revision [5737]

Edited on 2009-12-03 23:29:35 by NightReaver [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
Recommended ship classes: Capital, Battleship, T3 (8+ Remote Repair Modules)
Recommended ship classes: Capital, Battleship, T3 (8+ Large Remote Repair Modules)

Revision [5735]

Edited on 2009-12-03 23:28:57 by NightReaver [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
Recommended ship classes: Capital, Battleship, T3 (8+ Large Remote Repair Modules)
Recommended ship classes: Capital, Battleship, T3 (8+ RR)

Revision [5734]

Edited on 2009-12-03 23:26:26 by NightReaver [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
10x Artifacts (spawn container, analyzer)
- No. of Containers : 10 (And possibly a Talocan Battleship)

Revision [5733]

Edited on 2009-12-03 23:24:57 by NightReaver [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
======Forgotten Core Data Field, Class 5======
Damage dealt: omni
Extras: NOS, Stasis Webify, Warp Scramble
Webbers: Sleepless Guardian, Emergent Sentinel
Scramblers: Sleepless Guardian, Emergent Sentinel, Awakened Keeper, Sleepless Sentinel, Sleepless Keeper
Recommended ship classes: Capital, Battleship, T3 (8+ RR)
Recommended generic setup: multi range, heavy omni tank, remote repair (spider tanking)
**{{color c="red" text="All sleepers will auto aggress; Sleepers will switch targets, drones and support ships are not immune."}}**
===Capital Escalation Wave 1===
6x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [**Scram**, Web, NOS]
===Capital Escalation Wave 2===
8x Battleship (Sleepless Guardian) [**Scram**, Web, NOS]
===Site Escalation Wave===
1x Abandoned Talocan Battleship (spawn container, salvager)
- We have never had a random spawn from hacking at this site. -NightReaver
======Forgotten Core Data Field======
Damage dealt: Omni
Webbers: Emergent Sentinel
Scramblers: Emergent Sentinel, Awakened Keeper, Sleepless Sentinel, Sleepless Keeper
Recommended ship classes: Battleships
Recommended generic setup: Spider Tank
Sleeper ships may target switch. Drones and support ships are not immune.

Revision [5732]

Edited on 2009-12-03 23:20:03 by NightReaver [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
Webbers: Emergent Sentinel
Scramblers: Emergent Sentinel, Awakened Keeper, Sleepless Sentinel, Sleepless Keeper
5x Frigates (Emergent Sentinel) [**Scram**, Web]
5 x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) [**Scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
6 x Frigates [**Scram**]
2 x Battleships (Awakened Keeper) [**Scram**] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2 x Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) [**Scram**]
2 x Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) [**Scram**]
Webbers: Lots
Scramblers: Lots
5x Frigates (Emergent Sentinel) **//Scrambling and Webbing//**
5 x Cruisers (Awakened Keeper) **//Trigger//** **//Scrambling//**
6 x Frigates **//Scrambling//**
2 x Battleships (Awakened Keeper) **//Trigger//** **//Scrambling//**
2 x Battleships (Sleepless Sentinel) **//Scrambling//**
2 x Battleship (Sleepless Keeper) **//Scrambling//**

Revision [4942]

Edited on 2009-08-29 08:28:25 by SturmWolke [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
Space type: Normal Space
Space type: Wormhole Space (Class 5+)

Revision [4937]

Edited on 2009-08-28 06:02:56 by ReimHagen [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
//Data is not 100% Accurate! I wasn't able to record all the details during the fight.//

Revision [4936]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-08-28 06:02:07 by ReimHagen [Update from our latest run of this site type.]
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