Revision history for NationCommanderStronghold

Revision [8187]

Last edited on 2011-03-08 21:23:35 by FayceOff

No Differences

Revision [8186]

Edited on 2011-03-08 21:22:55 by FayceOff
2 x Ostingele Tectum **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER 1A"}}**
4 x Yulai Crus Cerebi [sniper] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER 2"}}**
2 x Ostingele Tectum **{{color c="red" text="sub-trigger"}}**
4 x Yulai Crus Cerebi [sniper] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**

Revision [8074]

Edited on 2011-02-16 21:09:37 by FayceOff
2 x Ostingele Tectum **{{color c="red" text="sub-trigger"}}**
4 x Intaki Colliculus [rr]
2 x Arnon Epithalamus [ecm]
4 x Mara Paleo [rr]
1 x Romi Thalamus
1 x Sansha´s Nation Commander, can also be a named variant **(Killing this will trigger site completion and despawn all the other mobs)**
1 x Sansha´s Nation Commander [scram] (Killing this will trigger site completion and despawn all the other mobs)

Revision [8038]

Edited on 2011-02-14 20:41:02 by FayceOff
Intelligence and other supporting evidence have revealed that this facility is being used as a rally point for senior capsuleer commanders within Sansha’s Nation. When one of these leaders is killed in combat or their forces routed by capsuleer counterattack, this is where they are re-cloned, and where they retreat to.
In light of this functionality, the strategic value of these outposts must be considered. By directly attacking the nexus of pro-Nation leadership, capsuleers will be able to limit the level of coordination and efficiency amongst attack squads.

Revision [8016]

Edited on 2011-02-13 03:41:03 by FayceOff [1st draft]
======Nation Commander Stronghold======
Forces Required: 10 - 20 pilots
Your objective is to locate the nation commander and assasinate them. Once you have separated the commander from the rest of his fleet they will scatter and flee.
- 26,000,000 ISK x ratio
- 5,000 CONCORD LP x ratio
//Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0079. DED Special Operations.
====Single Pocket====
2 x Intaki Colliculus [rr]
4 x Yulai Crus Cerebi [sniper] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
1 x Arnon Epithalamus [ecm]
2 x Mara Paleo [rr]
4 x Romi Thalamus
2 x Eystur Rhomben
1 x Niarja Myelen [ecm, neut]
1 x Schmaeel Medulla [scram, web]
1 x Sansha´s Nation Commander [scram] (Killing this will trigger site completion and despawn all the other mobs)
======True Power Provisional Headquarters======
Forces Required: 20 - 40 pilots
Your Objective is to secure a path to True Power's Mobile HQ and then destroy it. You will need to pass through three layers of security before you will arrive at the station. Sansha commanders will attempt to reinforce the area en-masse if you give them time to, so be sure to bring pilots to breach their defences quickly.
- 45,000,000 ISK x ratio
- 10,000 CONCORD LP x ratio
True Power, the leading corporation within Sansha's Nation has acquired the means to establish provisional headquarters in areas of their choosing. The exact nature of these operations or how such large complexes are established so quickly remains unknown. The use of mobile nano-factories is strongly suspected, and would help account for the rapidity of setup. It is also possible that rogue drone technology, or even worker drones themselves, are for some reason assisting in the rapid deployment of these battle stations, although this remains unconfirmed.
The strategic value of these outposts is significant. Nation can re-equip local fighting forces at a moment's notice, transmit instructions and battle reports along secure lines, and rally retreating nation forces that have been ejected from other strongholds, which are always in close proximity to the larger headquarters for this reason.
//Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0081. DED Special Operations.
====Pocket 1====
3 x Ostingele Tectum
1 x Outuni Mesen [scram, web, neut]
1 x Vylade Dien [command ship]
3 x Schmaeel Medulla [scram, web]
3 x Tama Cerebellum [scram]
====Pocket 2====
1 x Deltole Tegmentum [scram, neut]
2 x Antem Neo [sniper]
1 x Mara Paleo [rr]
2 x Romi Thalamus
1 x Renyn Meten [web]
3 x Schmaeel Medulla [scram, web]
====Pocket 3====
4 x Ostingele Tectum **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
1 x Mara Paleo [rr]
3 x Romi Thalamus
3 x Eystur Rhomben
5 x Tama Cerebellum [scram]
2 x Deltole Tegmentum [scram, neut]
1 x Intaki Colliculus [rr]
4 x Ostingele Tectum **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
5 x Romi Thalamus
3 x Schmaeel Medulla [scram, web]
7 x Tama Cerebellum [scram]
===Wave 3===
2 x Outuni Mesen [scram, web, neut]
2 x Yulai Crus Cerebi [sniper]
3 x Arnon Epithalamus [ecm]
1 x Vylade Dien [command ship]
3 x Schmaeel Medulla [scram, web]
1 x True Power Mobile Headquarters (Make sure to get at least 20 points of warp disruption to stop the mobile HQ warping away. Bumping it so it can't align is also recommended.)

Revision [8015]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-02-13 03:23:23 by FayceOff [1st draft]
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