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======Right to Rule, Level 4 Epic Arc: Alike Minds======
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=====Chapter 3 : Alike Minds=====

[[RightToRule4p2 | Previous Chapter 2]]
[[RightToRule4p3 | Alternative Chapter 3]] The Old Guard ( Interrogation: Catching The Scent )

====About The Low Sec Missions====
All missions in this series can be accepted and completed remotely ( Unknown if last mission can be completed away from agent location ), the reward item will be placed into your cargo, make sure to leave some room.
If the Agent window to complete does not appear, right click and start conversation with the agent in the journal window.
Systems names purposely left out of guide. Unknown if they are always the same but all but the last will be low sec.
Missions do not occur in dead space and any room can be warped to in all missions.
No Faction / Corp status losses recorded, gains to True Power.

====What To Bring & How To Fit It.====
Missions can be done in small cost effective ships, well fitted frigate would do the all of these with the exception of the last mission, which has higher DPS & nos/neut, disruptors, an scramblers.
To easily do them all a Cruiser or Assault Frigate is suggested.
You will also need a codebreak and the hacking skill ( I had hacking 4 & it took about 30 cycles for it to open the container ).
Its suggested you fit a cloak as there is PVP activity in the area and you can expect to be camped in to a system for some period of time.

====__Mission 14__ - Silence Rahsa: The Nation's Path====

Report to the Sansha agent, the agent will be in a random location in a low sec system, warp to him as you would in an encounter.

====__Mission 15__ - A Human Body====

Faction: Amarr Empire
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space
Damage dealt: EM/Therm
Web/Scramble: NA
Extras: Tracking disruption, Web / Scramble (Elite Frigates)
Recommended damage dealing: EM (best), Therm (secondary)

===Acceleration Gate Entrance===

You find the Business Associate who will take the Primordial Biomass retrieved from the Advanced Amarr Research Lab. ( Appears as container on the overview )

====Single Pocket====

Acceleration gate takes you to original mission warp in point.

===Initial Group: (8- 12km)===
2x Elite Frigates Imperial Bahir (Electronic Attack Ships) **Tracking Disruptor, Web/Scramble**
2x Elite Frigates Imperial Sixtus (Interceptors) **Web/Scramble**

- Damage the Advanced Amarr Research Lab till it drops the Primordial Biomass. Don't forget to loot it.

====__Mission 16__ - A Metal Mind====

Faction: Amarr Empire
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space
Damage dealt: EM/Therm
Web/Scramble: NA
Extras: Web / Scramble (Elite Frigates)
Recommended damage dealing: EM (best), Therm (secondary)

The Business Associate will appear when all ships are killed, he will then take the Sansha Command Receiver retrieved from the last ship killed. ( Appears as container on the overview )

====Single Pocket====
At warp-in you'll find the remains of the Amarr Empire attacking force.
The new wave of spawns are triggered by killing off the last ship

===Initial Group: (15-30km)===
5x Elite Frigates ( Imperial Forian / Paladin ) **Web/Scramble**

===Wave 1: (20-35km)===
2 x Elite Frigates ( Divine Imperial Nabih/Felix) **Web/Scramble**
1 x Cruiser ( Templar Agatho ) **Tracking Disruptor**

- Last ship killed drops the Sansha Command Reciever. Don't forget to loot it.

====__Mission 17__ - A Digital Soul====

Faction: Amarr Empire
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space
Damage dealt: EM/Therm
Web/Scramble: NA
Extras: Tracking disruption, **Web/Scramble** (Elite Frigates)
Recommended damage dealing: EM (best), Therm (secondary)

This mission requires a codebreaker ( Hacking skill is required is to be at least 4), communications array holds no items, it simply must be successfully hacked.

====Single Pocket====

Armed Amarr Repair Ships: (2-5km)
2x Elite Frigates Imperial Bahir (Electronic Attack Ships) **Tracking Disruptor, Web/Scramble**
2x Elite Frigates Imperial Sixtus (Interceptors) **Web/Scramble**

====__Mission 18__ - Regal Replacement====

Faction: Amarr Empire
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space
Damage dealt: EM/Therm
Web/Scramble: NA
Extras: Tracking disruption, Web / Scramble (Elite Frigates / Cruisers ) Nos / Neut (Elite Cruisers)
Recommended damage dealing: EM (best), Therm (secondary)

==No obvious triggers, random or last ship kill seemed to cause next spawn in each pocket.==

====Acceleration Gate Entrance====

You find the Business Associate who will have the Artificial Miyan which you can take from his bestower. ( Appears as container on the overview )

====Pocket 1====

8x Amarr Cruise Missile Battery (27-32km)

====Pocket 2====

===Initial Group: (10 - 15 km)===
8x Elite Frigate (Imperial Paladin) **Web/Scramble**

===2nd Spawn: (10 - 15 km)===
2 x Elite Cruiser (Imperial Donus) **Tracking Disruptor**

===3rd Spawn: (10 - 15 km)===
2x Elite Frigates Imperial Forian (Electronic Attack Ships) **Tracking Disruptor**

===4th Spawn: (10 - 15 km)===
2x Elite Frigates (Divine Imperial Felix/Nabih) **Web/Scramble**

====Pocket 3====

Initial Group: (10 - 15km)
3x Elite Crusiers ( Imperial Tamir / Templar Muzakir ) **Nos/Neut**
1x Elite Frigate (Divine Imperial Felix) **Web/Scramble**

===Spawn 1: (10 - 15km)===
3x Elite Frigates Imperial Bahir (Electronic Attack Ships) **Tracking Disruptor, Web/Scramble**
2x Elite Frigates (Imperial Sixtus/Divine Imperial Felix ) **Web/Scramble**

===Spawn 2: (10 - 15km)===
2x Cruiser (Imperial Templar Agatho) **Tracking Disruptor**

====Pocket 4====

===Initial Group: (9-12km)===
2x Elite Frigates (Divine Imperial Imran / Sixtus ) **Web/Scramble**

===Spawn 1: (8-10km)===
1x Cruiser (Lord Miyan)

===Spawn 2: (8-10km)===
2x Elite Frigates (Divine Imperial Forian / Sprite ) **Web/Scramble**

===Spawn 3: (8-10km)===
3x Elite Crusiers ( Imperial Tamir / Templar Muzakir ) **Nos/Neut**

To Complete the mission destroy the Safe House and place the Artificial Miyan in the Safe house ruins ( appears as container on overview )

- Instead of attacking the safe house, attack the power generator behind it.
- Safe house also drops a container at its center, the structure has a 22km radius so you will need to turn in the mission to retrieve this.
- Wait till you are out of low sec to start a conversation with him to receive the Sansha "modified" Gnome implant which is placed in to your cargohold.
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