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======Soft Drink Wars, Level 1======

Faction: Mercenaries
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Various (Mainly Therm/Kin)
Extras: None
Web/Scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: Therm/Kin
Video: [[ | Punisher]]

====Pocket 1====

Galin Famis warps out so don't worry about trying to shoot him. Mercs will warp in to shoot you.

3x Frigates (Merc Rookies)

====Pocket 2====

1x merc leader
5x Frigates (Merc Rookies)
1x named (Galin Famis)

Notes: Breeding Facility will drop a large amount of slaves for you.
Note: Battlecruisers and above cannot use jump gate.

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