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======The Line======
{{lastedit show="2"}}
Faction: Sleepers
Signature type: Cosmic Anomaly
Space type: Normal Space
Damage dealt: Omni
Recommended ship classes: Battlecruisers or well-tanked Cruisers should be able to solo without any problems
Recommended generic setup: Omni tank
Blue Loot: 12 Mill

**{{color c="red" text="All sleepers will auto aggress; Sleepers will switch targets, drones and support ships are not immune."}}**

====Single Pocket====

===Initial Group===
3 x Frigate ([[ | Emergent Watchman]]) [nos]
4 x Frigate ([[ | Emergent Patroller]])
1 x Cruiser ([[ | Awakened Watchman]]) [nos] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
**Max Incoming DPS: 133 (EM/The 22%, Kin/Exp 28%) Max Nos: -15**

===Reinforcement Wave 1===
3 x Frigates ([[ | Emergent Escort]]) [web]
2 x Cruiser ([[ | Awakened Patroller]]) **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
**Max Incoming DPS: 147 (EM/The 23%, Kin/Exp 27%)**

===Reinforcement Wave 2===
5 x Cruiser ([[ | Awakened Watchman]]) [nos]
**Max Incoming DPS: 150 (EM/The 33%, Kin/Exp 17%) Max Nos: -30**

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