Revision [1391]
This is an old revision of Score4se made by FaragonSmythe on 2008-06-24 18:14:33.
The Score, level 4
Faction: Serpentis
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace with gates
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Web/scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: Thermal
Recommended ships: Megathron, Ishtar, Dominix, Drake, Raven, Astarte
Pocket 1
no aggroGroup 1: (35-55km)
1x Cruiser (Corelum Chief Defender)1x Battlecruiser (Corelatis Platoon Leader)
Group 2: (55-70km)
8x Frigates (Coreli Guard/Safeguard)3x Destroyers (Corelior Infantry/Solider)
4x Cruisers (Chief Defender/Protector)
3x Battlecruisers (Corelatis Platoon Leader/Squad Leader)
Pocket 2
no aggroGroup 1: (40km)
2x Destroyers (Corelior Infantry)6x Cruisers (Chief Defender/Protector)
2x Battlecruisers (Corelatis Squad Leader)
Group 2: (55km)
some frigs, destroyer, cruiser, BC,1x Battleship (Core Port Admiral)
Group 3: (55km)
3x Battleships (Core Port Admiral/Core Commodore)Pocket 3
No aggroGroup 1: (65-90km)
4 BS, 2 BC, 4 cruiser, some frigs & destroyerCategoryNeedInfo -- shiplists