Revision [1491]

This is an old revision of RightHandofZazzmatazz4 made by SturmWolke on 2008-07-02 12:58:06.


Right Hand of Zazzmatazz, Level 4

Last edited by SturmWolke
Wed, 02 Jul 2008 12:58 UTC

Faction: Mercenaries
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal
Damage dealt: All types (heavy Kin/Therm)
Web/scramble: Frigates (Seven Lookout/Seven Deathguard)
Extras: NA
Recommended damage dealing: Therm (best all-round), Therm (Zor), Kin (secondary)
Recommended ships: Raven, Dominix, CNR, Golem

Single Pocket

Auto-aggro from Group 1 at warp-in.
Group 2 remains neutral, but it will aggro ANY drones deployed. Fleet members may also be aggroed by Group 2.


[picture placeholder]

Group 1 (Auto-aggro): (50-60km)

2x Frigates (Seven Deathguard) Web/Scramble
3x Cruisers (Seven Assassin/Thug)
3x Cruisers (Seven Bodyguard)

1x Cruiser (Olufami/Schmidt/Elena Gazky)
1x Battleship (Seven Macleari - Mercenary Overlord)
1x Battleship (Zor)

Damage Dealt:
Olufami (EM + EXP + Scourge Heavy Missile)
Schmidt (EM + Therm + Thunderbolt Heavy Missile)
Elena Gazky (EM + Therm + Scourge Heavy Missile)
Seven Macleari (Scourge Heavy Missle)
Zor (Cataclysm Cruise Missile - every 2.5 second)

Group 2:

4x Frigates (Seven Lookout - Mercenary Wingman) Web/Scramble



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