Revision [1722]

This is an old revision of DamselinDistress4 made by SturmWolke on 2008-07-17 14:34:50.

The Damsel In Distress, Level 4

Last edited by SturmWolke:
re-word, misc minor updates, standardized
Thu, 17 Jul 2008 14:34 UTC

Faction: Mercenaries
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space
Damage dealt: Heavy Kin/Therm, Exp, EM
Web/scramble: Spider Drone
Extras: NA
Recommended damage dealing: Therm (best all round), Kin (secondary)
Recommended ship: Raven, CNR, Dominix, Typhoon, Maelstrom, Abaddon

Note: Great mission for looting/salvaging if you sit still and tank the mostly close orbit NPC ships.

Single Pocket

Auto-aggro from Initial Group at warp-in.

It is recommended that you set your drones to passive to avoid hitting the trigger ship (Kruul) accidentally.
All spawns will appear near the Kruul's Pleasure Garden structures. They may target drones/fleets members.

Kruul's Pleasure Garden which sits the farthest away from the warp-in Beacon holds the Damsel.


Initial Group (Auto-aggro): (25-35km)

2x Frigates (Kruul's Henchmen)
4x Cruisers (Pleasure Hub Guardian - Mercenary Commmander/Corporal) Scourge Heavy Missile
3x Battleships (Pleasure Hub Sentinel - Mercenary Overlord) Scourge Heavy Missile
1x Cruiser (Kruul) Trigger Havoc Heavy Missile

Spawn 1 (Auto-aggro):

6x Battleships (Pleasure Hub Sentinel - Mercenary Overlord) Scourge Heavy Missile

Spawn 2 (Auto-aggro):

2x Spider Drone I Web
4x Cruisers (Pleasure Hub Guardian - Mercenary Corporal) Scourge Heavy Missile
4x Battleships (Pleasure Hub Sentinel - Mercenary Overlord) Scourge Heavy Missile

Spawn 3 (Auto-aggro):

5x Frigates (Seven Death Dealer)
3x Cruisers (Seven Assassin) Havoc Heavy Missile
1x Battleship (Zor) Cataclysm Cruise Missile



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