Revision [4347]
This is an old revision of DeadlySerious5ga made by DaArc on 2009-05-31 20:00:32.
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Extras: Web/Scramble/Damp
Web/Scramble: Yes (second pocket)
Recommended damage dealing: Kin / Therm
Recommended ships: A good group with tank/dmg dealer/remote rep
First Pocket
When you warp in, there are two groups of 10 battleships. One is near the gate (~30km), the other is farther (60-70km). They don't seem to aggro immediately, but shooting or approaching the gate will get their attention.Initial Spawn
10x Battleships (Federation Praktor/Pith-type)
Second spawn (appears after a few minutes)
7x Battleships ("Decloaked" Federation battleships)
Second Pocket
Initial spawn
8x Elite Frigates (2x Lixa, 2x Matar, 4x Phalarica) (Stas/Scramble/Damp)14x Battleships (7x Praktor Hyperion, 2x Praktor Hexeris, 4x Praktor Phanix, 1x Prak Nav Prae)
Second Spawn (after about 5 minutes)
3x Elite Frigates (3x Matara) (Stasis/Scram/Damp)
6x Battlecruisers (3x Pith Death Dealer, 3x Pith Assassin)
22x Battleships (7x Helepolis, 1x Nav Longa, 1x Prak Nav Prae, 3x Xenan, 5x Covinus, 3x Prak Praeses, 2x Prak Phanix)