Revision [5605]
This is an old revision of WormholeSpace made by NightReaver on 2009-11-29 11:23:38.
W-Space Reports
General notes with regard to wormholes :
Unknown space – Class 1, 2, or 3 (can be soloed)
Dangerous unknown space – Class 4 or 5 (bring friends with remote repair logistics)
Deadly unknown space – Class 6 (bring more friends and a capital ship or two)
The wormhole class determines the ratio of easier/harder sleeper sites being spawned. It generally does not greatly affect the difficulty of each individual sleeper site.
The same site (if spawned in a higher wormclass level), may include a few more extra sleeper ships and an increase in scrambling/webbing frigates.
Site difficulty is determined by a keyword :
Perimeter sites are Easy difficulty.
Frontier sites are Medium difficulty.
Core are sites are Hard difficulty.
Thus, for Class 1-3 wormholes, expect to see more Perimeter and Frontier sites.
For a Class 4-6, you will be seeing more Frontier and Core sites.
Under construction. Just linking some guides for now:
Cosmic Anomaly
CoreGarrison Core Garrison (incomplete)CoreStronghold Core Stronghold (incomplete)
FortificationFrontierStronghold Fortification Frontier Stronghold
OutpostFrontierStronghold Outpost Frontier Stronghold
PerimeterAmbushPoint Perimeter Ambush Point
PerimeterCheckpoint Perimeter Checkpoint
PerimeterHangar Perimeter Hangar
RuinsOfCohort27 Ruins Of Cohort 27
SleeperDataSanctuary Sleeper Data Sanctuary
SolarCell Solar Cell
TheOruzeConstruct The Oruze Construct
BountifulFrontierReservoir Bountiful Frontier ReservoirMagnetometric
ForgottenCoreInformationPen Forgotten Core Information PenForgottenCoreDataField Forgotten Core Data Field
ForgottenFrontierRecursiveDepot Forgotten Frontier Recursive Depot
ForgottenFrontierQuarantineOutpost Forgotten Frontier Quarantine Outpost
ForgottenPerimeterCoronationPlatform Forgotten Perimeter Coronation Platform
ForgottenPerimeterHabitationCoils Forgotten Perimeter Habitation Coils
ForgottenPerimeterPowerArray Forgotten Perimeter Power Array
UnsecuredFrontierDatabase Unsecured Frontier DatabaseUnsecuredFrontierReceiver Unsecured Frontier Receiver
UnsecuredPerimeterCommsRelay Unsecured Perimeter Comms Relay
UnsecuredPerimeterTransponderFarm Unsecured Perimeter Transponder Farm