Revision [5622]
This is an old revision of WormholeSpace made by NightReaver on 2009-11-29 14:16:40.
W-Space Reports
This is a work in progress; the Quick Links are not complete yet FYI.
QUICK LINKS | WormholeSpaceClass3 Class 3 System | WormholeSpaceClass4 Class 4 System | WormholeSpaceClass5 Class 5 System | WormholespaceClass6 Class 6 System
About This Guide
I will use some terms and other 'shorthand' in parts of this guide; most should know these but for those that do not they are detailed here:W-Space - Wormhole space; refers to a solar system in wormhole space.
K-Space - Known space; refers to a solar system in known space (i.e. Empire, Low-Sec, Null-Sec)
WH - Wormhole; refers to a wormhole connection between two systems.
RR - Remote Repair; logistics; using modules such as remote armor repairs and shield transporters.
About Wormhole Space
All w-space systems are designated with a system security status of 0.0 so like null-sec you do not take a security hit when engaging in PvP. That being said most people will defend their territory and some will actively go on the hunt and look for PvP targets. Anyone venturing into w-space should be well aware of these dangers. You will also need a good understanding of how to scan.Wormhole Space Classes
W-space systems fall into one of six classes:Unknown Space - Class 1-3
Dangerous Unknown Space - Class 4 and 5
Deadly Unknown Space - Class 6
Class 1 and 2 systems can be soloed.
Class 3 you want some friends with RR.
Class 4 you want lots of friends with RR.
Class 5 definitely want lots of friends with RR and probably a capital.
Class 6 definitely a capital or two and lots of friends with RR.
Site Difficulty
Site difficulty is roughly determined by a keyword:Perimeter sites are Easy difficulty.
Frontier sites are Medium difficulty.
Core are sites are Hard difficulty.
For Class 1-2 expect to see Perimeter sites.
For Class 3-4 expect to see Frontier sites.
For Class 5-6 expect to see Core sites.
The wormhole class determines the ratio of easier/harder sleeper sites being spawned. It generally does not seem to greatly affect the difficulty of each individual sleeper site. The same site (if spawned in a higher class system), may include a few more extra sleeper ships and an increase in scrambling/webbing frigates. Expect sleepers in Class 1 and 2 not to warp scramble; Class 3 and 4 you will more than likely encounter some warp scrambling; Class 5 and 6 expect 90% of the sleepers (yes Battleships too) to warp scramble and stasis web from a distance (30 KM plus in some cases).
Sleeper AI
The sleeper NPC AI is much smarter than normal NPC AI. Sleepers will switch targets regularly, attacking drones too. They also exhibit advanced threat detection and target selection; for example Alice in the logistics ship may find herself drawing all the aggro while they ignore Bob in the shuttle. The sleepers also handle multiple targets most dynamically; a sleeper may be warp scrambling you and stasis webbing Alice while it is shooting at Bob.Site Escalation
Site escalation can be caused when you bring a large force into a site (capitals, large amounts of non-capital ships, etc). Site escalation may cause extra sleepers to spawn and additional waves to have increased spawn counts. Additionally site escalation does not always seem to happen. This form of escalation was put in place to provide an extra challenge when players bring in more than enough to handle a site. Site escalation also seems to cause the Talocan spawn container to appear at Magnetometric sites.Capital Escalation
Capital escalation is caused when you warp a capital ship (i.e. carrier, dread, etc) into a site. The first capital will spawn 6 battleships, each additional capital adds +2 battleships to that count as a running total (i.e. 6, 8, 10, 12, etc). This form of escalation was put in place to provide an additional challenge when bringing capital ships into a site. Capital escalation only happens on combat sites (i.e. Anomalies, Magnetometric, Radar) and does not occur at gas or asteroid belts (i.e. Ladar and Gravimetric).Tools
Wormhole Thingy by Drug Kito
A must have for any wormhole space pod pilot; will give you information on Locus Signatures and Wormhole types.
Cosmic Anomaly
CoreGarrison Core Garrison (incomplete) Class 5CoreStronghold Core Stronghold (incomplete) Class 5
FortificationFrontierStronghold Fortification Frontier Stronghold Class 3
OutpostFrontierStronghold Outpost Frontier Stronghold Class 3
PerimeterAmbushPoint Perimeter Ambush Point
PerimeterCheckpoint Perimeter Checkpoint
PerimeterHangar Perimeter Hangar
RuinsOfCohort27 Ruins Of Cohort 27
SleeperDataSanctuary Sleeper Data Sanctuary
SolarCell Solar Cell Class 3
TheOruzeConstruct The Oruze Construct
BountifulFrontierReservoir Bountiful Frontier ReservoirSizablePerimeterReservoir Sizable Perimeter Reservoir
ForgottenCoreInformationPen Forgotten Core Information Pen Class 5ForgottenCoreDataField Forgotten Core Data Field Class 5
ForgottenFrontierRecursiveDepot Forgotten Frontier Recursive Depot Class 3
ForgottenFrontierQuarantineOutpost Forgotten Frontier Quarantine Outpost
ForgottenPerimeterCoronationPlatform Forgotten Perimeter Coronation Platform
ForgottenPerimeterHabitationCoils Forgotten Perimeter Habitation Coils
ForgottenPerimeterPowerArray Forgotten Perimeter Power Array
UnsecuredFrontierDatabase Unsecured Frontier DatabaseUnsecuredFrontierReceiver Unsecured Frontier Receiver
UnsecuredPerimeterCommsRelay Unsecured Perimeter Comms Relay
UnsecuredPerimeterTransponderFarm Unsecured Perimeter Transponder Farm