Revision [5825]

This is an old revision of Penumbra4p1 made by KrennelDarius on 2009-12-25 12:48:21.


Penumbra, Level 4 Epic Arc

Last edited by KrennelDarius
Fri, 25 Dec 2009 12:48 UTC

Epic Arc Overview

Starter agent: Aursa Kunivuri
Agent corporation: Expert Distribution
Agent location: Josameto (Nugoeihuvi Information Centre Beacon)
Standings required: 6.8 (Either Caldari faction or Expert Distribution)
Additional skills required: None

Important notes :


Chapter 1 : Proof of Intent

Penumbra4p2 Next Chapter 2

Mission 1 - The Intermediary

Report to Katsen Isha in Poinen (Poinen IV - Moon 13 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio).
You are given a Dossier - Author Unknown.

Mission 2 - Trust and Discretion

Deliver one unit of Questionable Cargo (3.0 m3)

Mission 3 - Their loss, our profit

Faction: Serpentis
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space
Damage dealt: Therm/Kin
Web/Scramble: Elite frigates
Extras: Sensor dampening (Elite frigates, Elite cruisers & Battleships)
Recommended damage dealing: Kin (best), Therm (secondary)

Single Pocket

Hyasyoda Research Facility sits 72km away.
Hyasyoda Security Compound sits 125km away.

Wave 1 is triggered by killing the last battleship (from the closer formation) in the Initial Group.
Wave 2 is triggered by killing the last battleship Wave 1.
Research Facility Guards is triggered when the Hyasyoda Research Facility suffers 50% shield damage.

Initial Group: (73-102km)

2x Elite cruisers (Corelum Guardian Chief Infantry/Sentinel) Sensor dampener
3x Battleships (Core High/Vice Admiral) Sensor dampener Trigger (Wave 1)
3x Battleships (Core Admiral/Rear/Vice Admiral) Sensor dampener

Wave 1: (48-54km)

4x Elite frigates (Coreli Guardian Defender/Patroller) Sensor dampener
5x Battleships (Core Admiral/Grand/High Admiral) Trigger (Wave 2)

Wave 2: (23-49km)

5x Elite frigates (Coreli Guardian Protector/Initiate/Defender) Scramble
5x Elite cruisers (Corelum Guardian Chief Infantry/Sentinel) Sensor dampener
4x Battleships (Core Flotilla/Rear/Vice Admiral)

Research Facility Guards: (86-102km)

8x Elite frigates (Coreli Guardian Guard/Safeguard)


Mission 4 (Story Arc Branch) - The Paths that are Hidden

The story arc branches according to your choice :

Two Steps Into Hell
Playing it Safer
An Honorable Betrayal

Mission 5 - Two Steps Into Hell

Deliver S.I. Formula Sheet to the Nugoeihuvi Cargo Facility in KFR-ZE (Syndicate).

Mission 5 - Playing it Safer

Deliver S.I. Formula Sheet to the Nugoeihuvi Cargo Facility in Faurulle (Solitude).

Mission 5 - An Honorable Betrayal

Report to Arikio Kuretsu in Wuos (Wuos V - Moon 1 - Hyasyoda Corporation Mining Outpost).

Once you report to Arikio Kuretsu in Wuos, you explain to him what NOH is having you do in regards to his corporation. He then has a lengthy explanation about how Hyasyoda has nothing to do about these things and sends you back to Poinen, where you then choose to do either Two Steps Into Hell or Playing it Safer. This also unlocks a new story arc branch after you do Two Steps Into Hell.

Mission 6 (Story Arc Branch) - Almost Unmasked

Report to Arikio Kuretsu in Wuos (Wuos V - Moon 1 - Hyasyoda Corporation Mining Outpost).

Mission 6 (Story Arc Branch) - Too Close for Comfort

The story arc branches according to your choice :

The Crimson Decoy
Pre-Emptive Opportunities

Mission 7 - The Crimson Decoy

Faction: Blood Raiders Covenant
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space
Damage dealt: EM/Therm
Web/Scramble: ?
Extras: ?
Recommended damage dealing: EM (best), Therm (secondary)

Single Pocket


Mission 7 - Pre-Emptive Opportunities

Faction: Mercenaries
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal space
Damage dealt: Therm/Kin
Web/Scramble: Frigates/Elite Frigates/Spider Drones
Extras: NA
Recommended damage dealing: Therm (best), Kin (secondary)

Single Pocket

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