Revision [6916]

This is an old revision of QualityOfMercy1epic made by TontoAuri on 2010-09-16 20:27:58.


The Blood-Stained Stars

Part I: Quality of Mercy

We've just received a distress call from a ship called the Damsel, and you're the closest thing to aid available right now. Get out there and save some lives. Prove to me you're not just another murderous liar with a god complex.

Completion: Approach the center of scene.
Hints: No mobs. Shuttle is pretty enough.

No one fired on the Damsel. Something must have happened inside the ship. We'd like you to track those survivors down. CONCORD is the first logical step. I’ve gotten in touch with CONCORD Agent Tevis Jak, who may have information for you. Go see if you can find a piece of this puzzle.

Completion: Go and talk to agent as ordered.

A bunch of pirates have been scavenging the explosion site. Go and take them out for me. It shouldn't be too much trouble for a capsuleer, and you might even find some extra information.

Completion: Kill first spawn, loot the Datacore. Bring core back to agent.

I found your first guy, but it looks like he's shipped out already. He's down in the crew manifest as "Red". I'm giving you coordinates to intercept the convoy now. You should be able to catch them before they get too far. Go quick, though: I'm worried that they don't have enough security to deal with the number of 'rats - sorry, pirates - where they're headed. They might need your help.

Completion: Kill first spawn, loot the "Red". Bring "Red" back to agent.

Just got a message from Sister Alitura. I sent her that weird datacore you found at the site. She says they weren't able to decipher it. Pity. Still, she's very interested in consulting with you. So go do what she wishes. The Sisters are good people.

Completion: Report to Sister Alitura. As requested.
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