Revision [9495]
This is an old revision of Evolution4 made by MaurriK on 2011-11-28 11:15:33.
Last edited by MaurriK
Mon, 28 Nov 2011 11:15 UTC
Mon, 28 Nov 2011 11:15 UTC
Faction: Rogue Drones
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/therm/em/exp
Extras: Neut(Drone Energy Neutralizer Sentry I)
Web/scramble: Drone Stasis Sentry I(web) Strain Splinter Alvi (Web/Scram)
Recommended damage dealing: EM primary- thermal secondary
Recommended ship classes: Battleship
Recommended generic setup: Passive Tank
Note: This mission will give you negative Gallente and Minimatar faction.
Pocket 1 of 2
Warp In:
8x Frigate (Worker Drone)
Spawn 1: Initiated by attacking Worker Drone
4-6x Battleships (Alvus Queen)
12x Frigates (Strain Splinter Alvi/Silverfish Alvi/Strain Silverfish Alvi)
4x Sentry (Drone Cruise Missile Battery/Drone Stasis Sentry I/Drone Energy Neutralizer
Sentry I) at 74km+ from warp in
Spawn 2: Initiated by destroying second to last Battleship.
4x Battleships (Alvus Queen)
4x Battlecruisers (Enforcer Alvatis)
Spawn 3: Initiates by destroying second to last Battleship.
4x Battleships (Matriarch Alvus)
4x Cruisers (Strain Disintegrator Alvum)
Spawn 4:
4x Battlecruisers (Crippler Alvatis)
4x Battleships (Alvus Queen)
Over 2000 m³ of drone alloys, making this the heaviest level 4 rogue drone mission, loot-wise.
Pocket 2 of 2 (Bonus)
All Aggro on Warp in
15x Battleships (Alvus Queen/Matriarch Alvus)
15x Frigates (Strain Sunder Alvi/Strain Raider Alvi/Hunter Alvi/Barracuda Alvi)
10x Cruisers (Striker Alvatis/Defeater Alvatis/Crippler Alvatis)
Hint: The total ships comes in 3 waves and each wave is trigged by killing the Strain Sunder Alvi's off from each group)
Mission complete when destroying the Infested Station inthe first pocket , no drones have to be destroyed, except scrammers of course.
No structures drop loot.