Dear The Truth - or Mrs. Imm,<br />You say: "Problem #11-Holly invented mythical food allergies for the children which were contradicted by many medical professionals"<br />You are no doubt aware that the children's principle allergist, Dr. Blum repeatedly told the courts that - after his extensive testing - he found that the children were among the most allergic he had treated in his 13 years of practice. He told Holly that the children's reaction to their food allergies could be fatal. The record of this is seen in the film. If you were Holly - and one person told you the kids could die - and another told you not so much what would prudence and common sense dictate to you? Be a bit cautious. You also fail to note the sworn statement of an EMT who said that every time he was involved in transporting the Collins children to the emergency room - it was an appropriate response to their condition and he notes Jennifer's cyanotic (blue) appearance.<br />You claim: Holly filed reports with Minnesota child protective services accusing Mark of feeding the children foods which they were allergic to. Child protective services found the accusation to be groundless.<br />You fail to mention that an eyewitness to the children's return from a visit with Mark who testified in court about the children's contemporaneous account that Mark insisted on them eating food to which they were allergic - about their subsequent allergic reaction - and about Mark's withholding of medication. You can see her interview in our film.<br />You note: Jennifer Rojer of Hennepin County Family Court Services says that she and her colleagues "saw a lot of evidence that it was Holly's anxiety that was creating symptoms in the children, both the suicidal behaviors and some of the asthmatic allergic reactions that they may be having."<br />Yet you fail to note that it was acknowledged that these are all behaviors which happens to correspond to PTSD and that Ms. Rojer also testified in court that the children seem to have an exclusive emotional bond with their mother.<br />You fail to note that numerous treatment providers observed the children's expressed fear of their father and their spontaneous complaints about his abuse of them.<br />You fail to note that one of their therapists, Dr. Klein testifies about the children requesting the opportunity to confront their father about his abuse of them in a safe environment - and that they subsequently read him a list - to his face - of the abuses they had suffered at his hands and how that made them feel.<br />You note: After the change of custody to Mark Collins, the children's health improved.<br />Yet you fail to mention that the children's allergist had said from the beginning that these are allergies that children often outgrow that they often become less reactive over time.<br />You note: The respondent [Holly Collins] continues to make allegations that the petitioner [Mark Collins] provides a dangerous environment for the children during periods of visitation.<br />And you fail to note that several eyewitnesses testify to the fact that Mark would drop the children off at Holly's after a visitation - in need of immediate medical care due to an allergic reaction. Pictures of the children with widespread rashes can be seen in the film, along with eye witness accounts of their allergic reactions.<br />You claim: The doctors at first also did not realize that the children's health problems were partly caused by Holly Collins overmedicating them., buy 30 second smile, 414, zquiet, 52892, where to buy iphone 5 car charger, gigq, Iphone 5 usb, 94880,