Revision [18859]

This is an old revision of HomePage made by DreasonIntfl on 2013-10-03 17:54:54.



The pages are still on the old host and stable. Thanks for all the offers for hosting! If you want to give the host a "Thank You donation" for hosting the site free of charge since 2007. Please use the paypal link above.

Regards Chepe Nolon

Server HOST Messages:

Any server questions can be Directed at Danice Krenstien. I sold my Character named Dreason so please don't bother the new owner with server questions. The site is stable and paid for several months due to generous donations. It might be possible that OCT 2014 One year from now I may be forced to take a new contract plan with my provider ond lose unlimited bandwith that I currently have and with Eve-survival generating over 50gb of traffic each month it will make this sight too costly to remain running. I will keep you posted as the end of the contract nears we have a year to figure it out, And I hope we can keep it running past OCT if things do switch. Thanks Dreason

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