Wiki source for AgentRunnerGuides

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======Guides for Agent Runners======

A small selection of guides hosted on this site and link to other usable resources.


- Kill Mission Survival Guides: MissionReports
- Mission type ratio: AgentDivisions
- Salvage database:
- Pioneering an unreported mission: PioneeringMissions

=====NPC info=====

- elFarto's ship database:
- EVE-Info's ship database: (Works out of game)
- Naming conventions of the different ships: ShipClasses
- Damage type per NPC faction:

=====Ship Setup=====

- How to do level 4 missions in a Raven (and other ships) by Ohmy Fugod: RavenGuide
- Bread and Butter Ship setups: ShipSetups
- Tanking guide for missions by ArocSyllinbeh: TankingGuide
- EFT Primer by ArocSyllinbeh: EftPrimer
- Tanking Principles by ArocSyllinbeh: TankingPrinciples
- Why I choose a Golem over a CNR by ChepeNolon: GolemCNR

=====Agent info=====

- LP offers database:
- Ingame standings matrix:
- Mission and Agent Facts: MissionAgentFacts
- Agent Locator:

=====Related info=====

- Quick Intro to How Invention works: InventionGuide

=====Other Complete Guides=====

- A complete guide for Agents:
- Grismars EVEwiki about everything:

A few quotes from the lvl 4 channel: Lvl4Quotes

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