Revision history for Blockade3sa

Revision [10835]

Last edited on 2012-07-14 07:32:50 by DesmontMcCallock

Revision [7729]

Edited on 2011-02-03 10:55:55 by HoshiIsamu [+CategoryLevel3]

Revision [6502]

Edited on 2010-05-27 05:13:35 by StravaNov [+CategoryLevel3]
-3.0% standing for killing stasis tower

Revision [1799]

Edited on 2008-07-25 23:23:22 by CireXinehp [+CategoryLevel3]
Recommended ships: Raven, Megathron
Recommended ships: Raven

Revision [992]

Edited on 2008-06-05 16:12:00 by ChepeNolon [Update by Tom Schlong]
Recommended damage dealing: EM/Therm
Recommended ships: Raven
==Note: ==
- Waves and triggers may vary, this is just an example
- All waves aggros on spawn.
===First Wave:===
25km from warp in.
1x Destroyer (Centior Abomination) **(Trigger)**
3x Battlecruisers (Centatis Phantasm)
4x Heavy Assault Cruisers (Centum Loyal Hellhound/mutilator)
===Second Wave: ===
Two groups, 100 and 140km from warp in.
4x Destroyers (Centior Monster/Misshape)
7x Battlecruisers (Centatis Specter/Phantasm)
1x Frigate (Centii Plague)
1x Battlecruiser (Centatis Devil/Wraith) **(Trigger)**
===Third Wave: ===
Two groups, 100 and 140km from warp in.
3x Destroyers (Centior Cannibal)
6x Battlecruisers (Centatis Phantasm/Specter)
3x Heavy Assault Cruisers (Centum Loyal Mutilator)
1x Battlecruiser (Centatis Daemon/Wraith) **(Trigger)**
===Fourth Wave: ===
Two groups, 115 and 130km from warp in.
4x Interceptors (Centii Loyal Enslaver) **(Web/Scramble)**
5x Battlecruisers (Centatis Fiend/Phantasm)
4x Battlecruisers (Centatis Specter) **(Trigger)**
===Fifth Wave: ===
One group, 30km from warp in.
4x Interceptors (Centii Loyal Savage) **(Web/Scramble)**
4x Battlecruisers (Centatis Daemon)
Reccomended damage dealing: EM/Therm
**Note: Spawns and triggers may vary, this is just an example**
===First Wave: (Automatic Aggro)===
__25km from WIP__
1x Destroyer class
7x Cruiser/Battlecruiser class
===Second Wave:===
6x Destroyer class
8x Battlecruiser class
===Third Wave:===
4x Destroyer class
11x Cruiser/Battlecruiser class
===Fourth Wave:===
4x Destroyer class
5x Battlecruiser class
CategoryNeedInfo Names, possible triggers, distance from spawns and more

Revision [635]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-05-29 09:28:19 by MariaEpiconthe [Update by Tom Schlong]
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