Revision history for FortificationFrontierStronghold

Revision [22660]

Last edited on 2021-02-04 18:59:58 by James Zimmer [Added Salvage Value]
Salvage Payout: ~3.5 Million ISK (average of 6 sites, as of Feb 2021)

Revision [20791]

Edited on 2015-01-23 12:38:41 by WarStone [Changed blue loot info (prices was changed by CCP)]
Blue Loot Payout: 41.1 Million ISK
Blue Loot Payout: 28.5 Million ISK

Revision [20538]

Edited on 2014-09-08 18:39:59 by SylvaniumOrlenard [Added Capacitor Neutralization Data]
**Max Capacitor Neutralized : 12 GJ/s**
**Max Capacitor Neutralized : 16 GJ/s**

Revision [19022]

Edited on 2013-12-15 12:40:30 by ArkiNats [Added Capacitor Neutralization Data]
Blue Loot Payout: 28.5 Million ISK

Revision [10354]

Edited on 2012-07-01 04:49:54 by KeithPlanck [PONI SHOULD PONI PONI]
Recommended generic setup: Heavy Omni-tank (EM/The Favored)
Recommended generic setup: Heavy Em/The Tank

Revision [10353]

Edited on 2012-07-01 04:43:42 by KeithPlanck [PONI SHOULD PONI PONI]
Extras: Stasis Webify

Revision [10350]

Edited on 2012-07-01 04:41:08 by KeithPlanck [PONI SHOULD PONI PONI]
Damage dealt: (EM/The 35%, Kin/Exp 15%)
**Max Incoming DPS: 160 (EM/The 25%, Kin/Exp 25%)**
**Max Incoming DPS: 196 (EM/The 29%, Kin/Exp 21%)**
**Max Incoming DPS: 660 (EM/The 40%, Kin/Exp 10%)**
Damage dealt: (EM/The 70%, Kin/Exp 30%)
**Max Incoming DPS: 160 (EM/The 50%, Kin/Exp 50%)**
**Max Incoming DPS: 196 (EM/The 58%, Kin/Exp 42%)**
**Max Incoming DPS: 660 (EM/The 80%, Kin/Exp 20%)**

Revision [10349]

Edited on 2012-07-01 04:33:12 by KeithPlanck [PONY HARD!]
**Max Incoming DPS: 160 (EM/The 50%, Kin/Exp 50%)**
**Max Incoming DPS: 196 (EM/The 58%, Kin/Exp 42%)**
**Max Incoming DPS: 660 (EM/The 80%, Kin/Exp 20%)**
Max Incoming DPS: 160 (EM/The 50%, Kin/Exp 50%)
Max Incoming DPS: 196 (EM/The 58%, Kin/Exp 42%)
Max Incoming DPS: 660 (EM/The 80%, Kin/Exp 20%)

Revision [10348]

Edited on 2012-07-01 04:32:07 by KeithPlanck [PONY ON!!!]
Damage dealt: (EM/The 70%, Kin/Exp 30%)
Recommended ship classes: Battlecruiser, Battleship
Recommended generic setup: Heavy Em/The Tank
Max Incoming DPS: 160 (EM/The 50%, Kin/Exp 50%)
Max Incoming DPS: 196 (EM/The 58%, Kin/Exp 42%)
Max Incoming DPS: 660 (EM/The 80%, Kin/Exp 20%)
Damage dealt: Omni
Recommended ship classes: Battlecruiser
Recommended generic setup: Heavy Omni-tank

Revision [7319]

Edited on 2011-01-20 02:57:01 by MagnumInnominandum [sleepers neut, not nos]
2x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) [web, neut] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
1x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder) [neut] (orbits at 65km)
1x Cruiser (Awakened Upholder) [web, neut]
2x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) [web, nos] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
1x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder) [nos] (orbits at 65km)
1x Cruiser (Awakened Upholder) [web, nos]

Revision [5771]

Edited on 2009-12-05 03:27:27 by FayceOff [sleepers neut, not nos]
1x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder) [nos] (orbits at 65km)
1x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder) [nos] (orbits

Revision [5770]

Edited on 2009-12-05 03:26:53 by FayceOff [sleepers neut, not nos]
Extras: Stasis Webify
Recommended ship classes: Battlecruiser
Recommended generic setup: Heavy Omni-tank
**{{color c="red" text="All sleepers will auto aggress; Sleepers will switch targets, drones and support ships are not immune."}}**
2x Cruisers (Awakened Defender) **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) [web, nos] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
1x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder) [nos] (orbits
Scramblers: None
Recommended ship classes: Soloable with Passive Drake
Recommended generic setup: Omni tank
As with all Sleeper combat anomalies there are 3 waves each which auto aggress.
Sleeper ships may target switch. Drones and support ships are not immune.
2x Cruisers (Awakened Defender) **//Trigger//**
2x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) [web, nos] **//Trigger//**
1x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder) [nos]
- On final wave, Sleepless Upholder moves to orbit at 65km range from it's target.

Revision [5369]

Edited on 2009-10-19 05:29:23 by FayceOff [sleepers neut, not nos]
2x Frigates (Emergent Defender) [web]
2x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) [web, nos] **//Trigger//**
1x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder) [nos]
1x Cruiser (Awakened Upholder) [web, nos]
1x Cruiser (Awakened Preserver) [remote rep]
2x Frigates (Emergent Defender)
2x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) **//Trigger//**
1x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder)
1x Cruiser (Awakened Upholder)
1x Cruiser (Awakened Preserver) **//(Remote Repping)//**

Revision [5171]

Edited on 2009-09-20 03:10:58 by InfiniteReznoriam [sleepers neut, not nos]
- On final wave, Awakened Preserver seems to repair Sleepless Upholder.

Revision [5170]

Edited on 2009-09-20 03:08:12 by InfiniteReznoriam [Added Remote Repping advisory to Awakened Preserve]
1x Cruiser (Awakened Preserver) **//(Remote Repping)//**
1x Cruiser (Awakened Preserver )**//(Remote Repping)//**

Revision [5169]

Edited on 2009-09-20 03:07:47 by InfiniteReznoriam [Added Remote Repping advisory to Awakened Preserve]
1x Cruiser (Awakened Preserver )**//(Remote Repping)//**
1x Cruiser (Awakened Preserver)

Revision [4648]

Edited on 2009-07-24 22:03:21 by IdaraCivire [Added Remote Repping advisory to Awakened Preserve]
As with all Sleeper combat anomalies there are 3 waves each which auto aggress.
As with all Sleeper combat anomalies, there are 3 waves each which auto aggro

Revision [4646]

Edited on 2009-07-24 22:02:41 by IdaraCivire [Added Remote Repping advisory to Awakened Preserve]
As with all Sleeper combat anomalies, there are 3 waves each which auto aggro
As with all sleeper combat sites, there are 3 waves each which auto aggro

Revision [4638]

Edited on 2009-07-24 21:57:24 by IdaraCivire [Added Remote Repping advisory to Awakened Preserve]
2x Frigates (Emergent Defender)
2x Frigates (Emergent Defender)

Revision [4629]

Edited on 2009-07-24 21:52:08 by IdaraCivire [Added Remote Repping advisory to Awakened Preserve]
Recommended ship classes: Soloable with Passive Drake
As with all sleeper combat sites, there are 3 waves each which auto aggro
Sleeper ships may target switch. Drones and support ships are not immune.
Recommended ship classes: Recommend 2 ships minimum (Cruiser? BC? BS?)
As with all sleeper combat sites, there are 3 waves each which auto aggro's.
Sleeper ships retarget every few minutes. Drones and support ships are not immune.

Revision [4626]

Edited on 2009-07-24 21:48:36 by IdaraCivire [Added Remote Repping advisory to Awakened Preserve]
Space type: Normal Space
Recommended generic setup: Omni tank
2x Frigates (Emergent Defender)
2x Cruisers (Awakened Defender) **//Trigger//**
2x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) **//Trigger//**
2x Cruisers (Awakened Defender)
1x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder)
2x Cruisers (Awakened Defender)
1x Cruiser (Awakened Upholder)
1x Cruiser (Awakened Preserver)
Space type: Deadspace?
Recommended generic setup: Heavy omni tank + Remote repair
2 x Frigates (Emergent Defender)
2 x Cruisers (Awakened Defender) **//Trigger//**
2 x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) **//Trigger//**
2 x Cruisers (Awakened Defender)
1 x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder)
2 x Cruisers (Awakened Defender)
1 x Cruiser (Awakened Upholder)
1 x Cruiser (Awakened Preserver)

Revision [4592]

Edited on 2009-07-20 23:15:56 by SturmWolke [removed WH class reference in header]
======Fortification Frontier Stronghold======
======Fortification Frontier Stronghold, Class 3======
Wormhole Class: Class 3

Revision [4511]

Edited on 2009-07-09 03:56:20 by SturmWolke [draft, minor fixes]
======Fortification Frontier Stronghold, Class 3======
{{lastedit show="2"}}
Space type: Deadspace?
Recommended ship classes: Recommend 2 ships minimum (Cruiser? BC? BS?)
Recommended generic setup: Heavy omni tank + Remote repair
As with all sleeper combat sites, there are 3 waves each which auto aggro's.
Sleeper ships retarget every few minutes. Drones and support ships are not immune.
2 x Cruisers (Awakened Defender) **//Trigger//**
2 x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) **//Trigger//**
1 x Battleship (Sleepless Upholder)
- On final wave, Sleepless Upholder moves to orbit at 65km range from it's target.
- On final wave, Awakened Preserver seems to repair Sleepless Upholder.
======Fortification Frontier Stronghold======
Space type: deadspace?
Recommended ship classes: Recommend 2 ships minimum
Recommended generic setup: Heavy tank + remote repair
2 x Cruisers (Awakened Defender) (trigger)
2 x Cruisers (Awakened Upholder) (trigger)
1 x Battleships (Sleepless Upholder)
* as all sleeper Combat sites, there are 3 waves each which auto aggro's
* sleepers retarget every few minutes, usually to someone who shield repairs
* On final wave, Sleepless Upholder moves to 65km range from it's target
* On final wave, Awakened Preserver seems to repair Sleepless Upholder

Revision [4503]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-07-08 20:58:30 by JosephBlade [draft, minor fixes]
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