Gone Berserk, Level 4
Last edited by JeanInkura:
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Mon, 16 Oct 2017 08:49 UTC
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Mon, 16 Oct 2017 08:49 UTC
Faction: EoM
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Normal (MWD works)
Damage dealt: Kinetic (68.76%)/ Thermal (31.24%)
Web/ Scramble: EoM Saboteur (Extra spawn, from the left group wave)
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic/ Explosive
Recommended ship classes: Battleship, T2 or T3 Cruiser
Video: Ishtar, Raven Navy Issue
Auto aggro from Initial Group and spawns.
May [Fleet] warp to preferred distance.
The initial formation is composed of three groups with a Cruiser and a Battleship in each.
- Each Cruiser killed will trigger a spawn wave.
- Each wave is composed of four spawns for a total of 12 spawns.
Spawn composition and distance may vary with each wave.
Single Pocket
Initial Formation (70- 90km, 3 groups)
3x Cruiser (EoM Crusader) Trigger3x Battleship (EoM Hydra)
Reinforcement Spawn Wave (x3)
1st Spawn (40- 60km)
2x Cruiser (EoM Death Knight) Trigger2nd Spawn (20- 30km)
2x Frigate (EoM Saboteur) Web1x Battleship (EoM Hydra) Trigger
3rd Spawn (30- 40km)
1x Battleship (EoM Hydra)1x Battleship (EoM Ogre) Trigger
4th Spawn (45- 66km)
1x Battleship (EoM Death Lord)
To manage aggro, work on a single wave, then kill the next Crusader Cruiser.Flag the Cruisers at the beginning to make it easier to keep an eye on the triggers.
The mission is flagged completed once you have killed the last EoM Death Lord.
44 Veldspar asteroids (33- 118km).Loot and Bounty
Loot + Salvage: ~10.7 to 12.8 milBounty: ~10.7 mil
Ship Detail
Qty | Name | Orbit (km) | Velocity Max (m/s) | Shield (hp) | Armor (hp) | Shield Resistances (%) | Armor Resistances (%) | DPS (HP/s) | |||||||||
EM | Exp | Kin | Th | EM | Exp | Kin | Th | EM | Exp | Kin | Th | ||||||
3x | EoM Crusader | 15 | 350 | 1,650 | 1,100 | 32 | 65 | 40 | 55 | 60 | 10 | 25 | 25 | - | - | 25 | - |
9x | EoM Hydra | 32 | 290 | 4,250 | 3,500 | 45 | 67 | 43 | 65 | 60 | 10 | 25 | 25 | - | - | 67 | 36 |
6x | EoM Death Knight | 17 | 350 | 1,800 | 1,150 | 32 | 65 | 40 | 55 | 60 | 10 | 25 | 25 | - | - | 31 | 21 |
2x | EoM Saboteur | 7.5 | 900 | 725 | 450 | 13 | 62 | 32 | 32 | 60 | 10 | 25 | 25 | - | - | 15 | 11 |
3x | EoM Ogre | 20 | 290 | 4,800 | 3,975 | 50 | 68 | 45 | 70 | 60 | 10 | 25 | 25 | - | - | 70 | - |
3x | EoM Death Lord | 45 | 290 | 5,500 | 4,250 | 55 | 69 | 48 | 75 | 60 | 10 | 25 | 25 | - | - | 83 | 26 |
26 Ships Total | Average/ Total | 86,400 | 67,900 | 40 | 66 | 42 | 61 | 60 | 10 | 25 | 25 | - | - | 1,363 | 550 |
Sometimes , rarely tho , npcs agro the drones.
Worst DPS was from the initial spawn (not particularly threatening), so take out the BSs before killing a cruiser - then follow each tree.
100000 Crusader
110000 Death Knight
500000 Hydra
750000 Ogre
1000000 Death Lord
I warped in at 50km and was within my optimum for large rails. Waves didn't attack drones so they stayed out the whole time. Would have went quicker had I used drones earlier. In all about 1hr 30mins to complete with salvage.
Perma tank with 2 thermal, 2 kin, 1 enam,1 lar,1 dc2, 2 ANP
warp in at 0. this still gives a 70km range from first spawn.
kill all the spawn ships, and its still easyer to tank than most other missions.
armor drops to 95% before cycle.
have had the occasional problem with them targeting drones.
comfirm saboteurs do web.
can be done in 30 mins if you dont care about that you kill.
When I warped a 2-person fleet in, the 2nd person was over 60 km from the first.
The mission took me (2,36m SP) exactly 1 hour including salvaging, looting and bringing the stuff back with an industrial.
Bounty: 11.000.000 ISK
Mission Reward: 1.800.000 ISK
Loot+Salvage: 12.500.000 ISK
--> ISK/hour = 25.3 million ISK. Simply a great mission!
I would classify this as an easy lvl 4 mission.
Bounty and salvage quit a bit below the above.
Aggregate Bounties: 8.6 mill ISK
Salvage consisted of fried/burned/charred circuits and scrap metal only. About 3.000m3 of loot though.
Have to say that this is a very good mission for its payout and basically I left my computer on while I took a shower and when I came back it was all done!
Note: It appears that the new spawns target the ship with the highest meta level.
Just remember to brings lots of missiles.
This is what I was using
Hi Slots
6 x XT Cruise launchers with wrathcruise missiles.
1 x Drone link aug
Low Slots
3 x Ballistic control system II
2 x Capacitor Flux Coil II
Mid Slots
2 x Ditrigonal thermal barrier crystalization - shield hardners
2 x non-intertial ballistic deflection field - shield hardners
1 x Caldari Navy X-Large Shield booster
1 x Caldari Navy Shield Boost Amplifier
3 x Large Cap Control Circuit
Highs - 6 Arby CML
Mids - 2 T2 Invul
1 Gist C-type Ballistic
1 Gist C-type Heat
1 Gist C-type Large Shield Booster
Domination Shield Amp
Lows - 2x T2 PDS
3x T2 BCS
Rigs - 3x LCC
Best isk/hr L4 there is. More please!
Quick & effortless in Tech2 fitted Drake. Plenty tank for this mission with 2LSEII, 1x tech2 KIN hardener, 1x tech2 THERM hardener. Only ran the shield booster once or twice for aesthetics.
And nice profits:
19.5m ISK bounties
1.6m ISK salvage
~10m ISK loot (>3000 m3)
Under 1 hour including salvaging.
Complete with a passive fit drake
7x 'Arbalest' Heavy Missile Launchers
1x Drone Link Augmenter I
1xInvulnerability Field II
2x Heat Dissipation Amp II
2x Large Shield Extender II
1 Ballistic Deflection Field II
1x Damage Control II
3x Shield Power Relay II
3x Medium Core Defence Field Purger I
5x Hobgoblin II
I followed the mission aggro tree to a T and never had my shield drop below 90% the entire time. Be sure to bring a full load of Kinetic missiles of around 2500. I dont salvage or loot any longer so i can not attest to the quality of loot. Bounties were around 19mil
For me this is the second most profitable mission of all.
Mission reward + Bonus: 1799k
LP: 3310
Bounties: 10770k
Loot worth: 13000k (for black rise region)
Salvage worth: 2300k (Jita)
Total: 27869k (Not counting LP)
This would bring you 60 mil isk for every hour!
This mission was done today using a Golem that does 627 damage per second.
Using a CNR and than salvaging took me 35 min and that makes almost 48 mil per hour.
Oh, the EOM BC's target and hit you from 100+ km, so if you're strategy is to stay out of targeting range, think again...
But then again, the damage dealt is quite easily manageble if properly tanked
4x 425mm Scout Autocannons w/ Kin Ammo
10mn AB t2
2x Invuln Hardener t2
2x Large Shield Ext t2
3x Gyro t2
2x Tracking Enhancer t2
3x med core def field purger 1
8 x 800mm Repeating Artillery w/ Sabot L
3 x TrackEnh II
2 x Gyro II
2 X Kin Hard II
2 x Therm Hard II
1 x Invul II
1 x XL Shield Booster (Meta 4)
Booster was rarely used even in the beginning. The DPS on this ship is a little low. T2's please? Anyways really easy, might as well follow the triggers since you only shoot one ship at a time right? I would probably swap Tracking for another Gyro, since only the Dread Lords stay out past 30 km. Some times the spawns jumped around, leaving me to fly in range.
-From accept to redocking, took 16.5 minutes...encounter was 1 system from agent
-Salvaging with Noctis made total mission time 25 minutes on the dot
-Could cut a couple minutes by popping triggers first since targeting each wave is a time waster
-Around 3000 m^3 of salvage/loot
Next time will try popping all triggers first to speed things up a bit.
~40 minutes in a gila complete AFK - very dronefriendly NPCs
10 mins Looting/salvaging.
11mil bounties
7mil reward/LP (@1k per LP)
crap for salvage but lots of loot which I'm yet so sell
love this mission, which I'd get it more often than once every month
Bounties + Loot = ~20mil
(I just got 10 Cap Booster 400 and 30 Cap Booster 800 out of this mission. Take a look at what you get at refining them first, then make a new statement at them being useless.)"
Really shouldnt let miners edit these mission reports :L
1. Kill first 4 Hydras, kill 1 (just one, not all of them) BC, get spawn of Hydra, kill Hydra, get spawn of Hydra+Ogre, kill Hydra, kill Ogre, kill Death Lord
2. Repeat with chain 2,3,4
Mission Ship: Scorpion Navy Issue
Omni Tank: 940 (cap stabble, lazy fittings.)
Cruise Missles: 383dps - 130km range.
Drones: 5*Hobgoblin II - 78Dps
(low damage lazy farm ship, aggro full rooms.)
Salvage Ship: Noctis
High slots: 4*Small Tractor Beam I
High slots: 4*Salvager I
Mid slots: Experimental 10MN Afterburner I
Mid slots: Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Low Slots: 3* Expanded Cargohold II
Rigs: 3* Medium Salvage Tackle I
Cargohold: 3.000m3 +-
Tractor Beam Range: 80km
Mission: Gone Berserk
Mission Time: 25 minits
Mission LP/Bounty+Reward: 2367 LP - 11M
Salvage Time: 8 minits
Salvage Value: 21.5M
High: 8 Mega Beam I
Meds: 3 Cap recharger II
1 Micro Jump Drive
Low: 2 Hardener
rest Heat sinks
Easy mission even with the wrong damage type
Apoc still viable for PVE especially whit Micro Jump Drive
HOWEVER, contrary to this report, some rats were doing EM damage as well. However, not enough to worry about (no need to fit an EM hardener).
shields not going lower 90% ;)
14 000 000 00 loot+salvag
9.5Mil Bounty
1.35 Reward
~9 Mil in loot and salvage.
I like to farm this mission, so I left the last death lord alone. I'll report back on loot values in the future to see if perhaps higher-value drops are now more common on this one.
super easy with aggro management. never even turned on the shield booster.
Mission+Time Reward : 2.25M ISK, Bounty : 10.8M ISK, Salvage+Loot : 7.2M ISK, LP : 4757
Loot 8.3m
Salvage 492k
Bounties 9.7m
Loot 6.1m
Salvage 351k
Bounties 10.8m
Loot 6.2m
Salvage 250k
Bounties 10m