Revision history for LocationLocation5ga
======Location, Location, Level 5======
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=====Part 2 of 5=====
See [[HardWay5ga The Hard Way (2 of 5)]]
Category Missions
Category Level5
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=====Part 2 of 5=====
See [[HardWay5ga The Hard Way (2 of 5)]]
Category Missions
Category Level5
6 x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Diablik) orbits at 30km **Trigger**
3 x Battleships (...) orbits at 21km, DAMP
//(This is a first draw, it's not complete. Sorry for that)//
Recommended ships: (1) **Tengu passive** (Done with 2 BallisticCS and 3 ShieldPR)
The Contact's ship vanishes and instead an Gallente Fleet uncloaks near the same spot. Ships are 25-40km to the right of Warp-In
Recommended ships: (1) **Tengu passive** (Done with 2 BallisticCS and 3 ShieldPR)
The Contact's ship vanishes and instead an Gallente Fleet uncloaks near the same spot. Ships are 25-40km to the right of Warp-In
The Contact's ship vanishes and instead an Amarr Fleet uncloaks near the same spot. Ships are 25-40km to the right of Warp-In
Extras: Gallente Energy Neutralizer Sentry IIIs, DAMP
Recommended damage dealing: KIN/Therm
Recommended ships: (1) Tengu passive (Done with 2 BCS and 3 SPR)
Recommended damage dealing: KIN/Therm
Recommended ships: (1) Tengu passive (Done with 2 BCS and 3 SPR)
Recommended damage dealing: EM/Therm
Recommended ships: (1) Tengu passive (Done with 2 BCS y 3 SPR)