Revision history for NewVenture1

Revision [10701]

Last edited on 2012-07-14 06:35:38 by DesmontMcCallock
CategoryCleanup CategoryMissions CategoryLevel1

Revision [8293]

Edited on 2011-03-17 07:02:24 by GoldenGnu
CategoryCleanup CategoryMissions CategoryLevel1

Revision [6347]

Edited on 2010-04-06 07:28:00 by AeonOfTime [Some cleanup, added some missing info.]
====A New Venture – Education is Key (1 of 5)====
Faction: None
====A New Venture – Right People (2 of 5)====
Faction: None
====A New Venture – Healthy Competition (3 of 5)====
Faction: Unknown
====A New Venture – Rough Market (4 of 5)====
Faction: Mercenaries
Space Type: Unknown
Damage dealt: All kinds (Thermal/Kinetic)
Recommended damage dealing: EM/Exp
When you first warp in, there will be several kamikaze pilots and missile batteries. Soon after warp, the POS station your agent created explodes, killing most of the NPCs, leaving 3 Mercenary Rookies which are easy kills.
====A New Venture – Final Negotiations (5 of 5)====
Faction: Unknown
Space Type: Unknown
Damage dealt: EM/Thermal
Recommended damage dealing: EM/Exp
=====A New Venture – Education is Key (1 of 5)=====
=====A New Venture – Right People (2 of 5)=====
=====A New Venture – Healthy Competition (3 of 5)=====
=====A New Venture – Rough Market (4 of 5)=====
When you first warp in, there will be several kamikaze pilots and missile batteries. Soon after warp, the POS station your agent created explodes, killing most of the NPCs, leaving 3 Mercenary Rookies which are easy kills.
=====A New Venture – Final Negotiations (5 of 5)=====

Revision [4117]

Edited on 2009-04-13 05:41:15 by TtoraiEve [Some cleanup, added some missing info.]
=====A New Venture – Final Negotiations (5 of 5)=====
===A New Venture – Final Negotiations (5 of 5)===

Revision [4116]

Edited on 2009-04-13 05:36:40 by TtoraiEve [Some cleanup, added some missing info.]
Destroy the ship and return with 80.0m3 of construction tools.
Destroy the ship and return with 8.0m3 of construction blocks.

Revision [3076]

Edited on 2008-12-02 13:01:25 by ChepeNolon [Some cleanup, added some missing info.]

Revision [3068]

Edited on 2008-12-01 22:27:09 by ProteusCronus [Some cleanup, added some missing info.]
=====A New Venture – Rough Market (4 of 5)=====
3x Mercenary Rookie
When you first warp in, there will be several kamikaze pilots and missile batteries. Soon after warp, the POS station your agent created explodes, killing most of the NPCs, leaving 3 Mercenary Rookies which are easy kills.
===A New Venture – Final Negotiations (5 of 5)===
1x Pleasure Cruiser
Warp in, shoot up the cruiser. The cruiser drops tourists. It does no significant damage.

Revision [3026]

Edited on 2008-11-29 09:13:25 by ProteusCronus [Some cleanup, added some missing info.]
1x Supply Ship
Destroy the ship and return with 8.0m3 of construction blocks.
The supply ship does not aggro even when being attacked.
Destroy a convoy and return with 8.0m3 of construction blocks.

Revision [3023]

Edited on 2008-11-28 22:25:51 by ProteusCronus [Some cleanup, added some missing info.]
======A New Venture, Level 1======
Mission Type: Courier
Objective: Pick up a skill book. 01.m3 of volume required.
Mission Type: Courier
Objective: Pick up one unit of homeless. 3.0m3 required.
=====A New Venture – Healthy Competition (3 of 5)=====
Mission Type: Encounter
Destroy a convoy and return with 8.0m3 of construction blocks.
======A New Venture======
Part 1 - Courier
Pick up a skill book. 01.m3 of volume required.
Part 2 - Courier
Pick up one unit of homeless. 3.0m3 required.

Revision [3022]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-11-28 22:18:52 by ProteusCronus [Some cleanup, added some missing info.]
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