Revision history for PersistentEnemy4caga

Revision [14176]

Last edited on 2012-07-29 17:13:21 by DesmontMcCallock

Revision [9953]

Edited on 2012-04-13 17:19:12 by SturmWolke [fixed header]
======Persistent Enemy, Level 4 Caldari State Storyline Mission======
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Persistent Enemy, Level 4 Caldari State Storyline Mission

Revision [8737]

Edited on 2011-06-10 12:35:28 by MithorKarez [fixed header]
__Tags to be looted:__
Federation Navy Command Sergeant Major I x 2
Federation Navy Fleet Colonel I x 6
Federation Navy Fleet Colonel II x 22
Federation Navy Fleet Major x 6
Federation Navy Fleet Sergeant II x 7
__Standing loss:__
0.02% with the Gallente Federation per standing tick

Revision [8736]

Edited on 2011-06-10 12:33:09 by MithorKarez [fixed header]
Group 2 80km (Agression when approaching to about 50-60 km)
5x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix(**Spawn 1**)/Hyperion/Admiral(**Spawn 2**))
Spawn 1 90km
Spawn 2 90km
No blitz (missions is not flagged complete by placing the corpse in the Array)
Group 2 80km
5x Battleships (Federation Praktor Phanix(trigger)/Hyperion/Admiral(trigger))
Trigger spawn (Phanix) 90km
Trigger spawn (upon attacking admiral) 90km
I didn't do this but I suspect you could just kill the admiral, loot the corpse and deposit it in the communications array.

Revision [8144]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-02-23 20:29:28 by WilbertWallaby [fixed header]
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