Revision history for PrisonTransfer4ca
Recommended ships: Properly tanked battleship, Speed Tanked Ishtar
2x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo) //**Triggers Wave 2**//
3x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo) //**Triggers Wave 4**//
2x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo/State Shukuro Bishamon)
3x Battlecruisers (State Shukuro Bajo/State Shukuro Samurai)
3x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo) //**Triggers Wave 4**//
2x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo/State Shukuro Bishamon)
3x Battlecruisers (State Shukuro Bajo/State Shukuro Samurai)
3x Battleships (State Shukuro) //**Triggers Wave 4**//
2x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo)
3x Battlecruisers (State Shukuro Bajo)
Besides the "Derived Modification" normally received for any Storyline Mission, you will get standings losses of at most -0.02% each for "Combat - Ship Kill" for the Caldari State. These secondary standing losses are on the standard 15 minute standings timer, so divide how long it takes you by 15 minutes and round up, and that is how many of these you will get. These are unavoidable, but negligible. At Social Level 4, expect a 9% gain with the faction you are working for and a 36% gain with the corporation you are working for.
Revision [9536]
Edited on 2011-12-09 16:40:58 by LiveDimension [Added most ship types and altered some comments]Additions:
Damage dealt: Kinetic/Thermal (Extremely probable, however not verified)
Extras: None Known (check comment below)
**Blitz:** None. All NPCs must be destroyed.
**Caution:** This is an initial report based on several runs of the mission from different people. Variations are unknown, but have no observed thus far. Observers have been extremely well-tanked and have not come across any scramblers/webs/nos/etc. That said, they still may exist.
3x Cruisers (State Shukuro Buke/State Shukuro Ashur)
3x Destroyers (State Yumi/State Kissaki) //**Triggers Wave 3**//
3x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo)
3x Battlecruisers (State Kanpaku/State Shukuro Bajo)
3x Battleships (State Shukuro) //**Triggers Wave 4**//
3x Destroyers (State Yumi/State Kai Gunto) //**Triggers Wave 5**//
2x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo)
3x Destroyers (State Kissaki/State Tsuba)
3x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo/State Shukuro Taisho) //**Triggers Wave 6**//
3x Battlecruisers (State Shukuro Bajo)
3x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo/State Shukuro Taisho) //**Triggers Mission Completion**//
Extras: None Known (check comment below)
**Blitz:** None. All NPCs must be destroyed.
**Caution:** This is an initial report based on several runs of the mission from different people. Variations are unknown, but have no observed thus far. Observers have been extremely well-tanked and have not come across any scramblers/webs/nos/etc. That said, they still may exist.
3x Cruisers (State Shukuro Buke/State Shukuro Ashur)
3x Destroyers (State Yumi/State Kissaki) //**Triggers Wave 3**//
3x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo)
3x Battlecruisers (State Kanpaku/State Shukuro Bajo)
3x Battleships (State Shukuro) //**Triggers Wave 4**//
3x Destroyers (State Yumi/State Kai Gunto) //**Triggers Wave 5**//
2x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo)
3x Destroyers (State Kissaki/State Tsuba)
3x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo/State Shukuro Taisho) //**Triggers Wave 6**//
3x Battlecruisers (State Shukuro Bajo)
3x Battleships (State Shukuro Daijo/State Shukuro Taisho) //**Triggers Mission Completion**//
**Blitz:** None. All NPCs must be destroyed.
**Caution:** This is an initial report based on one run of the mission. Variations are unknown. Observer was extremely well-tanked and was not paying attention to warp scramblers; that said, no scramblers were noticed.
3x Cruisers
3x Destroyers //**Triggers Wave 3**//
3x Battleships
3x Battlecruisers
3x Battleships //**Triggers Wave 4**//
3x Destroyers //**Triggers Wave 5**//
2x Battleships
3x Destroyers
3x Battleships //**Triggers Wave 6**//
3x Battlecruisers
3x Battleships //**Triggers Mission Completion**//