Revision history for SanshaHaven

Revision [21387]

Last edited on 2016-03-24 11:14:18 by ShintuFelper
This anomaly has two different variants, each Haven will be one or the other. The 'Stargate' variant features an inactive stargate in the middle of a giant snake shaped asteroid. The 'Chem Factory' variant is defined by having 2 Factory Defense Batteries in a gas cloud near a chem factory.
This anomaly has two different variants, each Hub will be one or the other. The 'Stargate' variant features an inactive stargate in the middle of a giant snake shaped asteroid. The 'Chem Factory' variant is defined by having 2 Factory Defense Batteries in a gas cloud near a chem factory.

Revision [21266]

Edited on 2015-12-31 15:52:59 by ShintuFelper [Rebuilt with new data]
Extras: Tracking Disruption: Centii Loyal Savage/Slavehunter, Centum Loyal Beast/Executor/Juggernaut/Slaughterer
This anomaly has two different variants, each Hub will be one or the other. The 'Stargate' variant features an inactive stargate in the middle of a giant snake shaped asteroid. The 'Chem Factory' variant is defined by having 2 Factory Defense Batteries in a gas cloud near a chem factory.
====Stargate Variant====
On warp-in takes up to 30 seconds to rats to spawn in. Final kill is trigger for next wave.
3-4x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon/Phantasm/Specter/Wraith)
3x Battleship (Centus Dread Lord/Tyrant)
3-4x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Minion/Ravener/Scavenger/Servant) **Scramble & Web**
4x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Savage/Slavehunter) **Tracking Disruption**
3x Battleship (Centus Dread Lord/Tyrant)
3-4x Elite Cruiser (Centii Loyal Beast/Executor/Juggernaut/Slaughterer) **Tracking Disruption**
7-8x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon/Devil/Phantasm/Specter/Wraith)
7-8x Battleship (Centus Dread Lord/Tyrant)
====Chem Factory Variant====
On warp-in everything will agro. Triggers are convoluted.
2x Factory Defense Batteries (Sansha Cruise Missile Battery)
3-4x Elite Cruiser (Centum Loyal Fiend/Hellhound/Mutilator/Torturer)
3-4x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon/Devil/Specter/Wraith)
**Trigger is last kill of the elite cruisers + dark lord/overlords**
2-3x Elite Cruiser (Centum Loyal Fiend/Hellhound/Mutilator/Torturer)
2-3x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth)
**Trigger is the last kill of the elite cruisers + battlecruisers**
2-3x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Ravener/Scavenger) **Scramble & Web**
3-4x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon/Devil/Mutilator/Phantasm/Specter)
**Trigger is the last kill of the battlecruisers + battleships**
1-2x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Minion/Ravener/Scavenger) **Scramble & Web**
4-6x Battlecrusier (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon/Devil/Phantasm/Specter/Wraith)
**Trigger is the last kill of the battlecruisers + battleships**
3-4x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Savage/Slavehunter) **Tracking Disruption**
3-4x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon/Phantasm/Wraith)
**Trigger is last kill of elite frigates + dark lord/overlords**
3-4x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Minion/Ravener/Scavenger/Servant) **Scramble & Web**
====Single Pocket====
On warp-in everything will agro. Trigger is final kill of specified rat type, if none specified then final kill of wave is trigger.
2x Sentry Gun (Factory Defense Battery)
3-4x Elite Cruiser (Centum Loyal Fiend/Hellhound/Mutilator) **Trigger**
4x Battlecruiser (Centatis Daemon/Devil/Phantasm/Specter)
6-8x Battleship (Centus Dark Lord/Dread Lord/Overlord/Tyrant)
2-3x Elite Cruiser (Centum Loyal Fiend/Hellhound/Torturer) **Trigger**
2-3x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon)
3x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Ravener/Scavenger) **Scram & Web**
3-4x Battlecruiser (Centatis Daemon/Devil/Phantasm/Specter/Wraith)
3-4x Battleship (Centus Dark Lord)
1-2x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Minion/Servant/Scavenger) **Scram & Web**
4-5x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon/Phantasm/Specter/Wraith)
3-4x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Savage/Slavehunter)
3x Battlecruiser (Centatis Daemon/Devil/Specter/Phantasm/Wraith)
6-8x Battleship (Centus Dark Lord/Dread Lord/Overlord/Tyrant) **Last Dark Lord/Overlord Trigger**
3-4x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Minion/Ravener/Scavenger/Servant) **Scram & Web**

Revision [20369]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2014-07-24 00:08:26 by ShintuFelper [Rebuilt with new data]
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