Cargo Delivery, level 4
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Mon, 16 Oct 2017 08:49 UTC
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Mon, 16 Oct 2017 08:49 UTC
Faction: Blood Raiders
Mission Type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace (MWD works)
Damage Dealt: Em/ Thermal (Kinetic missiles from the Battleships)
Web/ Scramble: Elite Frigate/ Destroyer
Extras: Heavy NOS (Corpus Archbishops and Corpus Harbingers)
Recommended damage dealing: EM/ Thermal
Recommended ship classes: Battleship, Command Ship, Battlecruiser, HAC, Recon, Faction Cruiser (Blitz: fast Frigate or Shuttle)
Video: Blitz
The task is to deliver 10 units of Quafe Ultra to your agent.
Looting the Quafe Ultra from the Warehouse (40km) triggers the spawn, potentially scrambling you.
A second [optional] spawn is triggered by killing the Destroyer (Corpior Friar).
Beware that this spawn has up to 6 Battleships that may aggro with a Nosferatu, so if you intend to fight be prepared to warp out before you get capped out (beware of scramblers).
Single Pocket
First Spawn (15- 63km)
2x Elite Frigate (Elder Corpii Herald) Web/ Scramble2x Destroyer (Corpior Cleric) Trigger
3x Elite Cruiser (Elder Corpum Shadow Sage/ Dark Priest)
3x Battlecruiser (Corpatis Exorcist/ Phantom)

Second Spawn (16- 52km)
3x Elite Frigate (Elder Corpii Diviner/ Engraver) Web/ Scramble2x Cruiser (Corpum Arch Priest/ Sage)
1x Battlecruiser (Corpatis Exorcist)
6x Battleship (Corpus Pope, aka Kubi Gayar/ Archbishop/ Harbinger) NOS 25km range, 25% chance, 350 units

Warp to the mission in a shuttle or fast frigate with a MWD.Approach and open the Warehouse container, align, loot and warp out.
Deliver the item to your agent, done.
If you can get outside their effective gun range (about 40 km) you can easily snipe them safely.Optional Approach
Loot the Warehouse with a shuttle, come back with a Battleship, Micro Jump and snipe if needed.Done with a T2 fit Dominix from warp in (~646 DPS, 112.9 ehp/s rep, 16 min cap).
60 Veldspar asteroids (18- 65km).Loot and Bounty
Loot + Salvage: ~4.33 milBounty: ~6.6 mil
Nothing, including the web/scramble frigs, seems to go faster than 350m/s here, so keeping range was no problem.
I can warp in grab the Quafe and sit and tank the lot reasonably well with my Domi:
3 x 250mm II, 3 x heavy nos (I use E500s)
1 AB (hate the initial trek), 4 x Cap recharger II
1 True Sansha LAR, 2 x EM II, 2 x Therm II, 1 x Kin II, 1 x CPR II
The cap is stable when you have the nos running, so you can let the tank run while your drones do their stuff. If I could bear the wait and leave the AB off, I'd prob be using 425s or 350s to boost the damage, but there's not a huge amount of grid available.
428.78hp/s (EM: 54.19%, Expl: 0%, Kin: 0%, Therm: 45.81%)
Second spawn:
Total DPS: 2,245.25hp/s (EM: 407.54hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 1,500hp/s, Therm: 337.71hp/s)
Percentages: 2,245.25hp/s (EM: 18.15%, Expl: 0%, Kin: 66.81%, Therm: 15.04%)
Second spawn, alternate:
Total DPS: 3,048.75hp/s (EM: 521.50hp/s, Expl: 0hp/s, Kin: 2,100hp/s, Therm: 427.25hp/s)
Percentages: 3,048.75hp/s (EM: 17.11%, Expl: 0%, Kin: 68.88%, Therm: 14.01%)
Fit: highs: whatever fits, lows: 4 extender II, one mag amp II, lows: 5x beta shield power relays, rigs: 2x core defense purgers,d rones: hobgoblin II, garde II's
mission marked complete directly after warp in (blitz)
1x raven
1x mael
picked spot after killing 1st wave and aligned to it. then hit trigger shipped. spawned on top of raven [not my tank boat] so had to move him out as quick as possible out of nos range. manged to kill all, but had to take sb off and do manually on mael as ships got in range and i have only have average top speed of 111 [no ab etc]
as peeps have said if u keep out of range then no real problem. ships seem to have good tank as took a while to die [maybe just my skills crap]
Just did this in an Incursus.............. Didn't do anything....... Warped in right ontop of the objective, looted and warped out.. 0% damage.
Can anyone confirm that I'm not just lucky and that this mission is bugged or has a bugged variable for certain system Jump-In-Points?
But this second time now I'm 37k from the warehouse.
Pocket 1: Flew away from them in my T2 fitted Rokh. Read the guide (normal difficulty). It takes a while to bring them down with hybrids, and they hit kind a hard close up.
Destroyed all the aux power arrays beforehand, just in case. Kited directly away from the warehouse upon spawning first wave. Got swarmed, cleaned them up, pulled trigger ship - by that time I was 50km from where second ambush appeared. The BSes moved faster than me but all seemed to slow down upon getting within 26km (possibly I kited to the max). Destroyed everything without much fuss, before anything could neut or web me.
Came back in a salvage boat for Quafe and loot. Whole mission including salvage was less than an hour's work. Could have gone quicker if I hadn't been paranoid about cap&tank while fitting. Just kite away from the warehouse if you want to take everyone on.
Bounties: 6.3 million
Loot + salvage: maybe 1.5-2 million, 6 armour plates comprised most of that.
Reward: 650k inc. bonus
I had to warp out, mainly because I ignored the advice about energy neuts. After warping back in I'd let my tank (maelstrom) get to about half shields to let cap regen then turn on the shield repper til shields were nearly fixed. Since there are no spawns, my 2nd battleship (maelstrom) was able to go in and hammer on the neutralizing battleship npcs up close.
Throwing out 10 charges of cap booster 800s i only got 6 cycles of my XL shield booster, needless to say my scrammed AC-Mael died shortly afterwards.
Did it with a Maelstrom. 4x1200 and 4x1400 Artillery. Killed first group, bookmarked, killed some until my cap got low, warped out and back in at 100k, killed all NOS ships before they got close.
Loot: 0.9 M rewards, 0.3 M Modules, 5.1 M Salvage, 6.8 M Bounty = 13.1 M Isk
I didn't get the second spawn as I neared the Warehouse. I only got the first spawn. I killed all the first spawn except the Corpior Cleric. I picked up the stuff from the Warehouse and warped off to eat dinner. Came back later and killed the Corpior Cleric and got the larger second spawn. Popped all the Bs's from the warp-in beacon location before they could get close enough to NOS. Easy mission.
Loot and salvage is very bad not worth doing it
Bounty: 7 076 813 ISK
Loot: 2 600 000 ISK*
Salvage: 3 750 000 ISK*
*Prices from cargohold info.
Looting the can spawned the RATs. Warped off before anyone targeted me and took no damage.
I then changed ships to a Dominix Dual LAR with EM and Thermic Hardeners. I never used the 2nd LAR.
Upon warp-in reverse direction and fly away from the central warehouse. Set drones on the RATs. I left the destroyers till last so as to prevent the spawn from happening too early. By the time the spawn happened I was 60 KM from spawned vessels. I never got scrambled or cap drained. They never got within 40 KM of me so I guess I was outside of their NOS / Scramble range.
DRONES: Take care - the frigates that spawn head straight for your drones and deal damage. Could not take aggro off the drones. Had to withdraw 5 drones so make sure u have spares of your preferred type. I used Acolytes, Infiltrators and Praetors.