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======Angel Sound, Level 3 Epic Arc======
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This page is heavily reliant on a guide written quite a while ago, verification and updated information is much appreciated.

[[AngelSound3p1 | Chapter 1]]

=====__Chapter 2__ - Utopia=====

====__Mission 6__ - Natural Consequences====

Faction: Sansha
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: EM/Therm
Web/Scramble: Centii Loyal Servant
Recommended damage dealing: EM (best), Therm (secondary)

Gated complex, no guards on initial gate.
Triggers are last kill unless stated otherwise.

===Single Room===
==Initial Group:==
4x Frigate (Centii Enslaver/Plague) **Trigger Plague**

==Reinforcement Wave 1:==
2x Cruiser (Centum Execrator/Slaughterer)

==Reinforcement Wave 2:==
3x Frigate (Centii Butcher/Manslayer)

==Reinforcement Wave 3:==
2x Cruiser (Centum Execrator/Slaughterer)

==Reinforcement Wave 4:==
1x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Servant) **Scram & Web**
1x Battlecruiser (Sansha Overseer)

==Reinforcement Wave 5:==
3x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Enslaver/Plague)

Kill first three reinforcement waves. Kill Sansha Overseer.

====__Mission 7__ - Clear the Way====

Faction: Guristas
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Web/Scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: Kin (best), Therm (secondary)

Gated complex, no guards on initial gate.
All triggers are last kill.

===Single Room===
==Initial Group:==
2x Elite Frigate (Dire Pithi Destructor/Wrecker)
1x Destroyer (Pithior Anarchist/Nihilist)

==Reinforcement Wave 1:==
4x Frigate (Pithi Demolisher)

==Reinforcement Wave 2:==
2-3x Frigate (Pithi Destructor/Plunderer)
2-3x Destroyer (Pithior Guerilla)

After clearing this wave the Angel Recovery Team will arrive completing the mission.

====__Mission 8__ - Salvage Heist====

Faction: Guristas
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm
Web/Scramble: Dire Pithi Arrogator/Imputor
Extras: Jamming from Pithi Despoiler/Saboteur
Recommended damage dealing: Kin (best), Therm (secondary)

Gated complex, no guards on initial gate.
Wave 1 is triggered when Gath Renton is first damaged, Wave 2 when Gath Renton's armor is damaged, and Wave 3 upon Gath Renton's destruction.

===Single Room===
==Initial Group:==
3x Frigate (Pithi Despoiler/Saboteur) **Jamming**
2x Angel Cruise Missile Battery
1x Angel Stasis Tower
1x Battlecruiser (Gath Renton)

==Reinforcement Wave 1:==
2x Elite Frigate (Dire Pithi Arrogator/Imputor) **Scram & Web**

==Reinforcement Wave 2:==
2x Frigate (Pithi Saboteur) **Jamming**

==Reinforcement Wave 3:==
3x Frigate (Pithi Demolisher/Destructor)

====__Mission 9__ - Rabbit Trap====

Faction: Guristas & Sansha
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kin/Therm & EM/Therm
Web/Scramble: Yukiro Demense
Recommended damage dealing: Therm (best)

Gated complex, no guards on initial gate.
First wave spawns after 30 seconds and every following wave is triggered by last kill.

===Single Room===
==Wave 1:==
3x Frigate (Centii Enslaver/Manslayer)
4x Destroyer (Centior Horror/Monster)

==Wave 2:==
5x Frigate (Pithi Despoiler/Wrecker) **Despoiler Jamming**
3x Destroyer (Pithior Supremacist)

==Wave 3:==
1x Frigate (Yukiro Demense) **Scram & Web**

**First arc reward 1x Domination Target Painter**

====__Mission 10__ - Dominus====

Report to Kadeja Dulche in K-QWHE (K-QWHE VII - Moon 8 - Dominations Assembly Plant).

[[AngelSound3p3 | Chapter 3]]
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