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Here is an attempt for a template. Remember not everything is used in some missions. But at least follow the formatting. For an example click on: MissionExample

======Title, Level (in H1)======

{{lastedit show="2"}}

(Code: ""{{lastedit show="2"}}"")

If applicable: =====Part x of y (in H2)=====

(in pages with several parts, like kidnappers strike)

Faction: The faction of the opponent(s)
Mission type: Encounter / Mining / Courier (Note, pure courier missions are reported in CourierMissions. But they might be reported if part of a multipart mission)
Space type: Deadspace (mwd does not work) / Normal space (mwd does work) with or without gates
Damage dealt: Kin/therm/em/exp (major first)
Extras: Nos/damp/jam/tracking disruption (and list the ships if someone is worse than others)
Web/scramble: List the ships that web/scramble.
Recommended damage dealing: kin/therm/em/exp
Recommended ship classes: ""Class 1, Class 2, Class 3"" (Setups and ships will not be included. That can be added in the comment section)
Recommended generic setup: sniper/multi range/close combat, light/normal/heavy tank.

====Pocket # or Single Pocket (in H3)====

Details about what's in the pocket. Use "warp-in" instead of pocket if you warp directly into it without a gate.

===Group # if more than 1 (in H4)===
Group information, like distance and behavior (aggro). Short information can also be put in the header.
Ship listing. Simplest is often the best, by just notifying about special ships.

If you're going to include a list then I suggest using full names for the classtypes to avoid confusion. Like Battleship instead of BS, Battlecruiser instead of BC and Interceptor instead of Inty. I've also used ship databases to see if an elite cruiser is an Heavy Assault Cruiser (a lot of damage, but no special features) or an EW cruiser. (Standard damage and special features like damp).


4x Battleships (Gist Nephilim)
6x Battlecruisers (Gistatis Praefectus/Legatus) <-- To show there's a mix of ships that might be different from mission to mission.
2x Interceptors (Angel Viper/Webifier)

==Blitz (In H5)==
Blitz information if any

==Structures (in H5)==
Any info about loot from structures

==Mineable Asteroid info (in H5)==
Info if there are any special asteroids worth mentioning.

==Tip: (in H5)==
- Put tips and hints into lists.
- Like this
- Longer explanations, should be placed in the comment.

Then add a category, for example:

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