Revision history for NationCommanderOutpost

Revision [8608]

Last edited on 2011-05-25 07:36:57 by SturmWolke [minor correction]
The Renyn Metens can be ignored as they don't need to be killed to complete the site.
The Renyns can be ignored as they don't need to be killed to complete the site.

Revision [8606]

Edited on 2011-05-25 07:26:39 by SturmWolke [added tips]
All surviving Niarja Myelens in the field needs to be killed off asap -> then Tama Cerebellum -> last Eystur Rhomben.
The Renyns can be ignored as they don't need to be killed to complete the site.

Revision [8605]

Edited on 2011-05-25 07:17:41 by SturmWolke [minor formatting]
Damage dealt: Omni (EM/Them from Sansha lasers and Kin/Ex from Sansha torpedoes)
4 x Eystur Rhomben **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}** - random
2 x Niarja Myelen (ECM + Neut)
4 x Tama Cerebellum (Scram)
5 x Tama Cerebellum (Scram) **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}** - random
1x Sansha´s Nation Commander (Scram)
5 x Tama Cerebellum (Scram) **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}** - random
1 x Niarja Myelen (ECM + Neut)
6 x Tama Cerebellum (Scram)
Damage dealt: Omni
4 x Eystur Rhomben **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
2 x Niarja Myelen (ecm, neut)
4 x Tama Cerebellum [scram]
5 x Tama Cerebellum [scram] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
1x Sansha´s Nation Commander [scram]
5 x Tama Cerebellum [scram] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
1 x Niarja Myelen (ecm, neut)
6 x Tama Cerebellum [scram]

Revision [8047]

Edited on 2011-02-16 00:10:30 by FayceOff [minor formatting]
1x Sansha´s Nation Commander [scram]
1x Sansha´s Nation Commander [scram] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
5 x Tama Cerebellum [scram]

Revision [8039]

Edited on 2011-02-14 20:41:54 by FayceOff [minor formatting]
Your primary objective is to destroy the Sansha’s Nation fleet amassing here, including any commanders present.
Veterans of the earlier Nation resurgence, those chiefly responsible for coordinating the planetary invasions, have made this mobile fortress their base of operations. DED surveillance has reported a range of key Nation personnel moving in and out of these temporary headquarters, although it is rare for any two to be in the same place at once, suggesting Nation is spreading its expertise across multiple facilities in order to minimize risk.
Intelligence suggests the primary role of these commanders has changed from leading large-scale planetary invasions to covert raids, as well as other special operations outside of the usual assignments handled by the larger Nation force.
//Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0073. DED Special Operations.
//Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0081. DED Special Operations.

Revision [8032]

Edited on 2011-02-13 22:33:46 by FayceOff [minor formatting]

No Differences

Revision [8029]

Edited on 2011-02-13 20:11:09 by FayceOff [minor formatting]
======Nation Commander Outpost======
======Nation Mining Colony======

Revision [8028]

Edited on 2011-02-13 20:09:44 by FayceOff [1st draft]
Recommended generic setup: High resists and AB for speed/sig tanking.
4 x Eystur Rhomben **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
4 x Tama Cerebellum [scram]
4 x Eystur Rhomben
5 x Tama Cerebellum [scram] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
1x Sansha´s Nation Commander [scram] **{{color c="red" text="TRIGGER"}}**
===Wave 4===
5 x Eystur Rhomben
1 x Niarja Myelen (ecm, neut)
6 x Tama Cerebellum [scram]
Recommended generic setup: Battleships tanked with high resistances and 100k+ EHP. Cruisers with high resists and AB for speed/sig tanking.
1 x Mara Paleo [rr]
4 x Romi Thalamus
3 x Eystur Rhomben
1 x Schmaeel Medulla [scram, web]
1 x Eystur Rhomben
1 x Romi Thalamus
3 x Tama Cerebellum [scram]
After wave 3 is dispatched the Nation Ore Refinery will spawn. Dump 256 Lyavite ore in it to complete the site.
Additional possible spawns, related to mining the Lyavite asteroid (?)
3x Eystur Rhomben
1 x Raa Thalamus
2 x Youl Meten (web)
2 x Orkashu Myelen (ecm, neut)
1 x Raa Thalamus

Revision [8027]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-02-13 20:01:34 by FayceOff [1st draft]
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