Revision [20199]

This is an old revision of SanshaHub made by ShintuFelper on 2014-06-21 00:29:04.


Sansha Hub

Last edited by ShintuFelper
Sat, 21 Jun 2014 00:29 UTC

Faction: Sansha
Location: Nullsec
Damage Dealt: EM/Therm
Web/Scramble: None
Reccomended Damage Dealing: EM (best), Therm(secondary)

This anomaly has two different variants, each Hub will be one or the other. The 'Four Tower' variant is characterized by having 4 sentry towers. The 'Six Tower' variant is defined by having 2 sentry, 2 heavy, and 2 cruise towers.

Four Tower Variant

On warp-in everything will agro. Final kill is trigger for next wave, except for wave 2 which is triggered by last battleship of wave 1.

Initial Group

4x Sentry Gun (Tower Sentry Sansha II)
2-3x Elite Frigate (Centii Loyal Enslaver/Manslayer/Plague)
3x Battleship (Centus Dark Lord/Overlord)

Wave 1

3x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon/Devil/Specter/Wraith)
3-4x Battleship (Centus Dread Lord/Tyrant) Trigger

Wave 2

3-4x Destroyer (Centior Abomination/Cannibal/Devourer/Monster/Misshape)
3-4x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon)
3-4x Battleship (Centus Dread Lord/Tyrant)

Wave 3

3-4x Elite Cruiser (Centum Loyal Fiend/Hellhound/Mutilator/Torturer)
3x Battleship (Centus Lord/Slave Lord)

Six Tower Variant

On warp-in everything will agro. Final kill is trigger for next wave.

Initial Group

2x Sentry Gun (Tower Sentry Sansha II)
2x Cruise Missile Battery (Sansha Cruise Missile Battery)
2x Heavy Missile Battery (Sansha Heavy Missile Battery)
2-3x Cruiser (Centum Hellhound/Mutilator/Torturer)
2-3x Battleship (Centus Dark Lord/Overlord)

Wave 1

2-3x Destroyer (Centior Abomination/Horror/Monster)
2-3x Battleship (Centus Dread Lord/Tyrant)

Wave 2

2-3x Frigate (Centii Butcher/Enslaver/Manslayer/Plague)
2-3x Battleship (Centus Dark Lord/Overlord)

Wave 3

3x Battlecruiser (Centatis Behemoth/Daemon)
2-3x Battleship (Centus Mutant Lord/Savage Lord)

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