What's In A Name, Level 1

Last edited by DeMichaelCrimson
Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:57 UTC

Part 1 of 5, Change Of Address

Faction: Rogue Drones, One Gallente
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: DeadSpace
Damage dealt: Mainly Therm/EM, last Frigate using Kin/Therm
Web/scramble: None
Recommended damage dealing: All kind

Single Pocket

No NPC when you'll warp-in. There will be a Caldari Consulate. (Large Collidable Structure)

Every group will pop real close to you ( < 5km ) and will aggro you.

Group 1

Aggro on Warp in. All following groups are appearing on site when the earlier group is completely killed.

4x Frigates (Belphegor Apis)

Group 2

1x Frigate (Belphegor Apis)
4x Frigates (Mammon Apis)

Group 3

2x Frigates (Mammon Apis)
4x Frigates (Infester Alvi)

Group 4

1x Frigate (Gallente Nationalist)

Part 2 of 5, Smile When You Call Me That

Faction: Rogue Drones, One Gallente
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: DeadSpace
Damage dealt: None
Recommended damage dealing: Any

Single Pocket

The objective here is to destroy a Gallente Broadcast Center...
The structure itself is tough, but if you destroy the Fuel Depot just under, you'll destroy both.

Part 3 of 5, Poke

Faction: Gallente
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: DeadSpace
Damage dealt: None
Recommended damage dealing: Therm / Kin

The first pocket is empty.
In the second one, there will be a single Federation Praktor Hexeris, all you have to do is to get near it, and the mission is accomplish. (approx 4.000 meters)
You don't have to shoot it, and it won't shoot you.

Part 4 of 5, Thorny

Faction: Gallente
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: DeadSpace
Damage dealt: Kin / Therm
Recommended damage dealing: Therm / Kin

Again, first pocket is empty.

Second Pocket

This pocket is full of Gallente ships, but You get no aggro. Once you got in range of ~47km to the Federation Navy Station, the mission is accomplished, you don't have to destroy them all.
If you stay too long, a group of 6 frigates will pop on you (Hastile and Clavis).

8 x Gallente Cruise Missile Battery
6 x Cruiser (Federation Praktor Ouragos and Optioon)
10 x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris)
7 x Frigates (Federation Insidiator and Federation Praktor Balra)

Part 5 of 5, Smelling Sweet

Mission Type : Courrier

Comment by JannelleSilver
2009-01-25 12:50:24
Part 3 of 5.
It's possible to kill the Federation Praktor Hexeris without affecting the mission completion. Drops Gallente Navy tag.

Part 4 of 5.
The Cruise Missile Batteries did not aggro.
The Battleships, Cruisers and Frigates aggro as separate groups. The mission did not complete for me until after approaching the station and having the 2nd wave of frigates spawn.
Drops were mainly Gallente Navy tags and a few misc T1 mods. Station did not drop loot.
6 x Gallente Navy Midshipman Insignia I
4 x Gallente Navy Midshipman Insignia II
3 x Gallente Navy Midshipman Insignia III
6 x Gallente Navy Fleet Captain Insignia I
10 x Gallente Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia II

Completed in Cruise CNR with faction hardners, no danger to my tank.
Comment by Micha1980de
2009-01-30 10:13:42
Combat: Federation Praktor Navis Praetoria hits you for 819 damage, after attaking the BS in part 3, i was in a retribution, so i survived :)
Comment by DanyelEmere
2009-03-23 02:05:00
part 3 of 5, battleship only agros if you fire on it, it targeted my drones not me, even after i pulled my drones in.
Comment by InfiniteZer0
2010-08-29 15:19:15
19:16:13 Combat Federation Praktor Hexeris hits you, doing 1519.9 damage.

I was in a Vexor so I was fine.

I sent my drones on it, but it only aggro'd me, even tho I never fired a shot on it
Comment by AldaTeln
2011-06-01 10:26:07
3 of 5, in a CN hookbill, orbiting 30km at 1500m/s, not being hit a single time, but unable to break its tank with 50*3 gurista bloodclaw missiles.
Comment by Klann2
2011-06-14 10:48:15
Took Standings hit with Gallente of -2.4% and -0.006%
Killed one ship and 1 structure
Avoid if standings with Gallente are important
Comment by MalMasters
2012-05-23 04:36:12

Part 1: Gallante standing loss of -0.0065%

Part 2: Gallante standing loss of -0.0%
Completed this in a Caracal, best damage I got from Kin missiles.

Supplemental: Confirm the Gallante standing loss of 2.4% for "Ship Kill" (For the first mission I think).

Parts 3/4/5: No standing loss

[NOTE TO SELF: Don't do these missions again you idiot]
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