Revision history for WhispersIntheDark2
Kill the two construction freighters, and pick up the crate of blocks dropped from the second (not the stack of 10 "Construction Materials").
The mission completes when you kill the Group 2. The one that is far from you.
The Breeding Facility drops 2 types of random trade goods.
Last kill will drop 1 unit of "Crates of Construction Blocks" needed to bring back to complete the mission.
Last kill will drop 1 unit of "Crates of Construction Blocks" needed to bring back to complete the mission.
Mssion type: Encounter
Last kill will drop 1 unit of "Crates of Construction Blocks" needed to bring back to coimplete the mission.
The missions have a bit of randomness added to them. The examples below just show what you might meet.
Revision [7238]
Edited on 2010-12-23 14:48:54 by PlenorGarlin [Freighters no longer drop construction blocks]Additions:
Last kill will drop 1 unit of "Crates of Construction Blocks" needed to bring back to coimplete the mission.
Revision [6913]
Edited on 2010-09-15 22:00:41 by SeamusDonohue [Freighters no longer drop construction blocks]Additions:
Both construction freighters drop 100 construction blocks each, but as of the Tyrranis expansion, the agent will not accept these for the mission turn-in. Last kill will drop 1 unit of "Crates of Construction Blocks" needed to bring back to coimplete the mission.
Revision [6581]
Edited on 2010-06-28 05:46:57 by OmgAmarkov [Freighters no longer drop construction blocks]Additions:
Kill the two construction freighters, and pick up the crate of blocks dropped from the second (not the stack of 100 blocks).
Kill the two construction freighters, and pick up the crate of blocks dropped from the second (not the stack of 100 blocks).
The Worker's Quarters will drop 10 units of 2-4 different freight goods. Also the second (starting from the landing pad) Storage Facility of the central of the 3 plants will drop goods.
Completed in: battlecruiser.
Completed in: battlecruiser.
Completed in: battlecruiser.
Completed in: battlecruiser.
Completed in: battlecruiser.
3x Frigates (Centii Plague/Enslaver/Sansha Enslaver)
6x Frigates (Centii Slavehunter/Savage **Tracking disrupt**)
6x Frigates (Centii Slavehunter/Savage **Tracking disrupt**)
6x Frigates (Centii Slavehunter/Savage)
3x Frigates (Centii Plague/Enslaver/Sansha Enslaver/
2x Elite Frigates (Sansha Deamon **Web**)
2x Elite Frigates (Sansha Deamon **Web**)
==Mineable Asteroids==
Veldspar - 19 x 90k asteroids - 1,710,000 units of Veldspar
Veldspar - 19 x 90k asteroids - 1,710,000 units of Veldspar
====Pocket 1 (Must destroy all NPCs to unlock gate)====
Revision [1938]
Edited on 2008-08-08 16:33:42 by ArkanDjeru [Aggro behaviour, triggers, structures loot and group ranges]Additions:
===== Part 1 of 4: First Contact=====
4x Frigates (Centii Servant/Minion)
1x Destroyer (Centior Cannibal)
3x Frigates (Centii Ravener/Scavanger)
The Breeding Facility drops 2 types of random tradegoods.
=====Part 2 of 4: Lay and Pray=====
Extras: Weapon Disruption (Centii Slavehunter)
===Group 1 @ 30/35km (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 2 @ 65km===
Both construction freighters drop 100 construction blocks each. Last kill will also drop 10 units of construction blocks needed to bring back to coimplete the mission.
===Spawn 1 @ 60km===
Triggered when first group 1 ship is into hull
===Spawn 2 (Auto Aggro)===
Triggered when first Construction Freight is into hull
Some Sansha Bunker may drop ammo types
=====Part 3 of 4: Spy Drones=====
=====Part 4 of 4: The Outpost=====
Extras: Weapon Disruption (Centum Juggernaut)
===Group 1 @ 20km (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 2 @ 50km (Right)===
===Group 3 @ 55km (Left)===
1x Cruiser (Centum Juggernaut) **Weapon Disruption**
===Group 4 @ 60km (Storage Silo)===
Attacking it will aggro group 5
5x Frigates (Centii Butcher/Centii Manslayer)
===Group 5 @ 80-90km (Ruined Stargate)===
5x Frigates (Centii Servant/Centii Minion)
2x Destroyer (Centior Misshape)
===Group 2===
Aggro when you attack the Worker's Quarter
===Group 3 @ 40km===
The mission completes when the Worker's Quarters is destroyed.
The Worker's Quarters will drop 10 units of 4 different freight goods. Also the second (starting from the landing pad) Storage Facility of the central of the 3 plants will drop goods.
4x Frigates (Centii Servant/Minion)
1x Destroyer (Centior Cannibal)
3x Frigates (Centii Ravener/Scavanger)
The Breeding Facility drops 2 types of random tradegoods.
=====Part 2 of 4: Lay and Pray=====
Extras: Weapon Disruption (Centii Slavehunter)
===Group 1 @ 30/35km (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 2 @ 65km===
Both construction freighters drop 100 construction blocks each. Last kill will also drop 10 units of construction blocks needed to bring back to coimplete the mission.
===Spawn 1 @ 60km===
Triggered when first group 1 ship is into hull
===Spawn 2 (Auto Aggro)===
Triggered when first Construction Freight is into hull
Some Sansha Bunker may drop ammo types
=====Part 3 of 4: Spy Drones=====
=====Part 4 of 4: The Outpost=====
Extras: Weapon Disruption (Centum Juggernaut)
===Group 1 @ 20km (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 2 @ 50km (Right)===
===Group 3 @ 55km (Left)===
1x Cruiser (Centum Juggernaut) **Weapon Disruption**
===Group 4 @ 60km (Storage Silo)===
Attacking it will aggro group 5
5x Frigates (Centii Butcher/Centii Manslayer)
===Group 5 @ 80-90km (Ruined Stargate)===
5x Frigates (Centii Servant/Centii Minion)
2x Destroyer (Centior Misshape)
===Group 2===
Aggro when you attack the Worker's Quarter
===Group 3 @ 40km===
The mission completes when the Worker's Quarters is destroyed.
The Worker's Quarters will drop 10 units of 4 different freight goods. Also the second (starting from the landing pad) Storage Facility of the central of the 3 plants will drop goods.
The Breeding Facility drops 10 Refugees and 2 types of random tradegoods.
5x Frigates (Centii Cannibal/Servant/Minion)
3x Frigates (Centii Ravenger/Scavanger)
=====Whispers in the Dark - Lay and Pray (2 of 4)=====
Group 3 is optional.
Both construction freighters drop 100 construction blocks each, one of them will also drop 10 units of construction blocks needed to bring back to agent.
===Group 3:===
=====Whispers in the Dark - Spy Drones (3 of 4)=====
=====Whispers in the Dark - The Outpost (4 of 4)=====
===Group 3:===
12x Frigates (Centii Butcher/Manslayer/Minion/Enslaver/Servant)
2x Destroyers (Centior Misshape/Cannibal)
===Group 4:===
1x Cruiser (Centum Juggernaut)
The mission completes when the Worker's Quarters is destroyed and it will drop 10 units of 4 different freight goods. Also
the second (starting from the landing pad) Storage Facility of the central of the 3 plants will drop goods.
Revision [1460]
Edited on 2008-06-30 04:35:19 by PhoenixKuja [Added missing drops from buildings (Storage Facility)]Additions:
The mission completes when the Worker's Quarters is destroyed and it will drop 10 units of 4 different freight goods. Also
the second (starting from the landing pad) Storage Facility of the central of the 3 plants will drop goods.
the second (starting from the landing pad) Storage Facility of the central of the 3 plants will drop goods.
===Group 1: (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 1: (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 1: (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 1: (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 1: (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 1: (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 1: (Auto Aggro)===
===Group 1: (Automatic aggro)===
===Group 1: (Automatic aggro)===
===Group 1: (Automatic aggro)===
5x Frigates (Centii Cannibal/Servant/Minion)
3x Frigates (Centii Ravenger/Scavanger)
2x Destroyers (Centior Misshape)
5x Frigates (Centii Butchers/Manslayer)
5x Frigates (Centii Plague/Enslaver/Sansha Enslaver/Sansha Deamon)
6x Frigates (Centii Slavehunter/Savage)
5x Frigates (Centii Plague/Enslaver)
6x Frigates (Centii Plague/Enslaver)
12x Frigates (Centii Butcher/Manslayer/Minion/Enslaver/Servant)
2x Destroyers (Centior Misshape/Cannibal)
3x Frigates (Centii Servant/Minion)
1x Cruiser (Centum Juggernaut)
3x Destroyers (Centior Cannibal/Devourer)
3x Frigates (Centii Butcher)
3x Destroyers (Centior Devourer/Abomination)
3x Frigates (Centii Ravenger/Scavanger)
2x Destroyers (Centior Misshape)
5x Frigates (Centii Butchers/Manslayer)
5x Frigates (Centii Plague/Enslaver/Sansha Enslaver/Sansha Deamon)
6x Frigates (Centii Slavehunter/Savage)
5x Frigates (Centii Plague/Enslaver)
6x Frigates (Centii Plague/Enslaver)
12x Frigates (Centii Butcher/Manslayer/Minion/Enslaver/Servant)
2x Destroyers (Centior Misshape/Cannibal)
3x Frigates (Centii Servant/Minion)
1x Cruiser (Centum Juggernaut)
3x Destroyers (Centior Cannibal/Devourer)
3x Frigates (Centii Butcher)
3x Destroyers (Centior Devourer/Abomination)
3x Centii Servant (Frigate class)
1x Centii Minions (Frigate class)
1x Centii Ravenger (Frigate class)
2x Centii Scavanger (Frigate class)
2x Centior Misshape (Destroyer class)
2x Centii Butchers (Frigate class)
3x Centii Manslayers (Frigate class)
2x Centii Plague (Frigate class)
1x Centii Enslaver (Frigate class)
1x Sansha Enslaver (Frigate class)
1x Sansha Deamon (Frigate class)
3x Centii Slavehunter (Frigate class)
3x Centii Savage (Frigate class)
4x Centii Plague (Frigate class)
1x Centii Enslaver (Frigate class)
4x Centii Plague (Frigate class)
2x Centii Enslavers (Frigate class)
3x Centii Butchers (Frigate class)
2x Centii Manslayers (Frigate class)
3x Centii Minion (Frigate class)
1x Centii Enslaver (Frigate class)
3x Centii Servant (Frigate class)
1x Centior Misshape (Destroyer class)
1x Centior Cannibal (Destroyer class)
2x Centii Servant (Frigate class)
1x Centii Minion (Frigate class)
1x Centum Juggernaut (Cruiser class)
2x Centior Cannibal (Destroyer class)
1x Centior Devourer (Destroyer class)
1x Centii Butchers (Frigate class)
2x Centii (Frigate class)
2x Centior Devourer (Destroyer class)
1x Centior Abomination (Destroyer class)