Revision [448]

This is an old revision of QnA made by ChepeNolon on 2008-05-25 19:12:30.


Questions and Answers

A quick and dirty faq. Will be updated soon(tm).

Want to comment?

If you got some comments about a mission. Perhaps you lost your ship to one. Or you have a really good setup for a mission, please use the comment form below each mission (use an out of game browser). You need to be registered and logged in to do that.

This way we keep the main mission page clean of personal views.

Want to report a mission or edit a current one?

  1. Register at this site.
  1. View the UserDocumentation documentation. Especially the templates and the naming convention.
  1. Make a new one or edit a page
  1. If you've made a new one, please tell us in the EVE-Survival channel (Look for the Janitors in TheTeam). We'll add a link to it. It's reachable from PageIndex until then.

If you got any questions, be sure to ask in the EVE-survival channel! No questions are too dumb. Remember also to look at the "EVE-survival mail" mailing list. I'll post changes etc there.

Want to register?

First join the ingame channel eve-survival for info about the invitation code. Everybody that registers may submit and update missions themselves. Use an out of game browser for this, but it is possible to UserSettings login ingame too. If you want to do something more for the guide, like being a janitor and being a mission report collector, tell us.

Please create an username that is similar to your ingame name. It's got to contain at least two capital letters or one capital letter and one number. It's the way Wikka links users and pages.

Example: ChepeNolon
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