Revision [545]
This is an old revision of ShipyardTheft4an made by ChepeNolon on 2008-05-26 19:49:24.
Shipyard theft, Level 4
Faction: Angel Cartel
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: exp/kin, EM from gist seraphim
Extras: Drone aggro
Web/scramble: Viper/Webifier
Recommended damage dealing: exp/kin
Recommended ships: Golem, CNR, Raven, Domi, Maelstrom
Pocket 1
All spawns are quite close and vaguely in a line. Multiple spawns aggro if you try to use drones.Viper/Webifier do web/scramble. No aggro on warp-in.
Spawn 1
4x frigates (3x Angel Viper, 1x Webifier)8x battlecruisers (3x Gistatis Praefectus, 5x Gistatis Tribuni)
Spawn 2
4x battlecruiser (Gistatis Primus)4x destroyer (gistior defiler)
2x battleships (gist war general)
Spawn 3
5x battlecruiser (4x Gistatis Legionaire, 1x Gistatis Primus)2x battleships (Gist Nephilim)
Spawn 4
2x Battleships (Gist Cherubim)Spawn 5
7x cruisers (5x Gistum Centurion, 2x Gistum Phalanx)2x battleships (1x Gist Saint, 1x Gist Nephilim)
Pocket 2
Single Spawn
4x destroyers (Gistior Haunter)3x battlecruisers (2x Gistatis Tribuni, 1x Gistatis Praefectus)
2x battleships (1x Gist Throne, 1x Gist Cherubim)
Last ship you kill will drop the objective can.
Update by Vitrael:I thought I might just add a note to your entry on shipyard theft 4 for angel cartel. Contrary to the entry that's there now, I used drones throughout the mission and got no drone agro whatsoever. Additionally, the walkthrough states that the Gist Seraphim spawn "hits really hard." It is notable that it is actually very low DPS but has a sizeable chunk of EM damage and the walkthrough was written by a guy flying a raven with no EM hardeners.