Revision [7378]
This is an old revision of HomePage made by ChepeNolon on 2011-01-25 09:27:00.
We will do an upgrade of the site tonight, 25th of January. If you encounter a password box, do not panic! It's just there while we upgrade the wiki.
Our Mission
Eve-survival is the place where the real pioneers of eve-online publish information about agent missions and other interesting places in Eve. We try always to be ahead of the rest. Flying into the unknown, risking ship and gear. So you don't have to.
Using this site
You are free to submit information. Everyone can help out. Every bit can help. See the documentation for details.
You are allowed to translate and copy information from this site. But by doing so, we encourage you to:
- Put a link to the source, so your viewers can get to the source for most recent information.
- Be careful when mirroring or other automatic page-reading as the server is working hard with all the traffic already.
Remember, some has put a lot of work on the pages here. So if you want more quality information from us, please show some respect.
Agent mission guide: MissionReports
W-Space guide: WormholeSpace
Other useful guides for agent runners: AgentRunnerGuides
Collection of info for the users of this wiki: UserDocumentation
Questions and Answers about EVE-survival: QnA
Info about the team and other statistics: TheTeam
Looking for the registration code? Look QnA here!
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