Revision [18032]

This is an old revision of theinvasionforce made by RasiCLoud on 2012-08-15 09:10:36.


The Invasion Force (1 of 2)
reward: neurotoxin recovery imp (3%)
on warp
in 6 bs several cruisers and frigates
one pith terror strategist BC (triggering spawn)

several bs and elite cruisers, nothing nasty
one pith terror strategist Elite Cruiser (triggering spawn)

several bs&elite cruiser
6 elite rfigates
one pith terror strategist Elite Cruiser (triggering spawn)

several bs&elite cruiser
one pith terror strategist Elite Cruiser (triggering spawn)

several(4) bs&elite cruiser(6)
one pith terror strategist BC (mission complete)
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