The Missing Convoy, level 3
Last edited by KonsnosKon:
Just did the mission and salvaged it. Earned 1.4 m
Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:49 UTC
Just did the mission and salvaged it. Earned 1.4 m
Thu, 26 Jan 2017 13:49 UTC
Faction: Rogue Drones
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace with single gate
Damage dealt: All kinds
Recomended damage dealing: EM, Thermal
Recomended ships: Jaguar, Drake
No hostiles at the initial gate
Single Pocket
After warp-in, only three towers, groups spawn every few secondsNo aggro on warp-in

Group 1
30-35km1x Cruiser (Bomber Alvum/Defeater Alvatis)
Group 2
35-45km4x Cruisers (Violator Alvum)
Group 3
45-50km3x Cruisers (Violator Alvum)
Group 4
55-65km3x Cruisers (Wrecker Alvum)
Group 5
65-75km3x Cruisers (Wrecker Alvum)
Group 6
90-95kmattacking the towers aggros entire pocket
3x Towers (Sentry Drone II)
Group 7
95-100km3x Cruisers (Annihilator Alvum)
Destroy "Powerful EM Forcefield", mash lesser drone hive, scoop contents.Choice of aggro: shoot the shield before the last group spawns, and you will only have aggro from group 2 until the shield dies (then groups 6+7 join in); alternatively, wait until after the last group spawned before shooting the shield for full stage aggro and safe drone usage.
To destroy the "Powerful EM Forcefield", add Entity --> Large Collidable Structure to your overview. Target lock the shield, and open fire.Structures
Lesser Drone Hive contains objective and may also contain 1 alloyTowers may drop ammo
Other structures have no loot
Veldspar - 4 x 90,000; 1 x 50,000Bounty