The Mordus Headhunters, Level 3
Last edited by SinSmith:
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Mon, 16 Oct 2017 08:49 UTC
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Mon, 16 Oct 2017 08:49 UTC
Faction: Mordus
Mission type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kinetic, Thermal.
Web/scramble: Mordus Bounty Hunter
Recommended damage dealing: EM
Recommended ships: Drake, Retribution (AF), Hurricane, Caracal (T2 LM)
Video: Cerberus, Dominix
No hostiles at initial gate
Pocket 1

Group 1 (23-35km)
7x Frigates (Mordus Katana)2x Cruisers (Mordus Puma)
Group 2 (45-65km)
3x Frigates (Mordus Katana/Rapier)3x Cruisers (Mordus Leopard/Lion/Puma)
Pocket 2

Single Group (30-50km)
10x Frigates (Mordus Katana/Gladius)2x Interceptors (Mordus Bounty Hunter) (Web/Scramble)
7x Cruisers (Mordus Leopard/Lion/Puma)
The small armories may drop an assortment of small to large ammo and light to heavy missilesLoot
14.8kk (a few Meta4 modules)
Standing Loss
-0.0267% - This penalty was incurred for destroying Mordu's Legion Command's Mordus Leopard-0.03% - This penalty was incurred for destroying Mordu's Legion Command's Mordus Lion
-0.03% - This penalty was incurred for destroying Mordu's Legion Command's Mordus Lion