Revision history for SanshaRallyPoint

Revision [21044]

Last edited on 2015-03-28 20:21:44 by ShintuFelper
====Sansha Rally Point Variant====
====Sansha Rally POint Variant====

Revision [21040]

Edited on 2015-03-28 20:17:05 by ShintuFelper
This anomaly has two different variants(named slightly different), each Rally Point will be one or the other. The 'Sansha's Rally Point' variant is characterized by the 0 warp-in being in the middle of the rats. The 'Sansha Rally Point' variant is defined by having 2 towers. They are easily distinguishable in the scanner by the inclusion or lack of the 's in the name.
====Sansha's Rally Point Variant====
====Sansha Rally POint Variant====
This anomaly has two different variants, each Rally Point will be one or the other. The 'At Zero' variant is characterized by the 0 warp-in being in the middle of the rats. The 'Two Tower' variant is defined by having 2 towers.
Note: This site is sometimes named Sansha's Rally Point instead of Sansha Rally Point, they are the same thing.
====At Zero Variant====
====Two Tower Variant====

Revision [20264]

Edited on 2014-07-04 14:08:03 by ShintuFelper [Fixed typo]
Recommended Damage Dealing: EM (best), Therm(secondary)
Reccomended Damage Dealing: EM (best), Therm(secondary)

Revision [20254]

Edited on 2014-06-28 23:04:37 by ShintuFelper [Fixed typo]
Note: This site is sometimes named Sansha's Rally Point instead of Sansha Rally Point, they are the same thing.

Revision [20200]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2014-06-21 00:40:38 by ShintuFelper [Fixed typo]
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